The changes make it difficult to understand if clamd is functioning properly because after the upgrade from 0.92 I see log entries that make no sense in what they are telling me.

The older versions seemed to work and process the mail without issues until you decided to kill it and the new one doesn't look like it's capable of doing it's job with any integrity.

In case it matters, clamd is being called from amavisd and it seems to pass all e-mail (even an e-mail sent with a test-virus that should be blocked) and this is disturbing.


./configure --prefix=/usr/local --mandir=/usr/local/share/man -- sysconfdir=/private/etc/clamav --with-dbdir=/var/clamav --with- datadir=/var/clamav --with-user=clamav --with-group=clamav --disable- shared --enable-static --enable-bigstack --enable-readdir_r


Sat Apr 17 20:13:28 2010 -> mode -> MODE_WAITREPLY
Sat Apr 17 20:13:28 2010 -> THRMGR: queue (single) crossed low threshold -> signaling Sat Apr 17 20:13:28 2010 -> THRMGR: queue (bulk) crossed low threshold -> signaling Sat Apr 17 20:13:28 2010 -> Breaking command loop, mode is no longer MODE_COMMAND
Sat Apr 17 20:13:28 2010 -> Consumed entire command
Sat Apr 17 20:13:28 2010 -> Number of file descriptors polled: 1 fds
Sat Apr 17 20:13:28 2010 -> fds_poll_recv: timeout after 600 seconds
Sat Apr 17 20:13:28 2010 -> Finished scanthread
Sat Apr 17 20:13:28 2010 -> Scanthread: connection shut down (FD 11)
Sat Apr 17 20:13:28 2010 -> THRMGR: queue (single) crossed low threshold -> signaling Sat Apr 17 20:13:28 2010 -> THRMGR: queue (bulk) crossed low threshold -> signaling
Sat Apr 17 20:13:30 2010 -> Received POLLIN|POLLHUP on fd 6
Sat Apr 17 20:13:30 2010 -> Got new connection, FD 11
Sat Apr 17 20:13:30 2010 -> Received POLLIN|POLLHUP on fd 7
Sat Apr 17 20:13:30 2010 -> fds_poll_recv: timeout after 5 seconds
Sat Apr 17 20:13:30 2010 -> Received POLLIN|POLLHUP on fd 11
Sat Apr 17 20:13:30 2010 -> got command CONTSCAN /var/amavis/tmp/ amavis-20100417T201230-21853/parts (59, 7), argument: /var/amavis/tmp/ amavis-20100417T201230-21853/parts
Sat Apr 17 20:13:30 2010 -> mode -> MODE_WAITREPLY
Sat Apr 17 20:13:30 2010 -> THRMGR: queue (single) crossed low threshold -> signaling Sat Apr 17 20:13:30 2010 -> Breaking command loop, mode is no longer MODE_COMMAND Sat Apr 17 20:13:30 2010 -> THRMGR: queue (bulk) crossed low threshold -> signaling
Sat Apr 17 20:13:30 2010 -> Consumed entire command
Sat Apr 17 20:13:30 2010 -> Number of file descriptors polled: 1 fds
Sat Apr 17 20:13:30 2010 -> fds_poll_recv: timeout after 600 seconds
Sat Apr 17 20:13:30 2010 -> Finished scanthread
Sat Apr 17 20:13:30 2010 -> Scanthread: connection shut down (FD 11)
Sat Apr 17 20:13:30 2010 -> THRMGR: queue (single) crossed low threshold -> signaling Sat Apr 17 20:13:30 2010 -> THRMGR: queue (bulk) crossed low threshold -> signaling

-- Dale

Attachment: PGP.sig
Description: This is a digitally signed message part

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