
Can somebody please explain to me how ClamAV does file type filtering? here
is exactly what I need in details.
My understanding is that ClamAV's first scanning step is doing file type
filtering to decide which root (out the 8 used ones) will be used to scan.
My question is that if the file that I want to scan has two parts (even
though it is not real but it is possible to have), the first part is html
code( for example: <html><body></body></html>) and then the second part is
general binary data (like : "\x11\x22\x33" which is of course not html
related thing. I am curious to know how ClamAV will behave in this case.
Will ClamAV use both roots 0 and 3 (generic and html) for scanning or just
the html root?

Thanks much,

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