
I am the webmaster of a certain site, and yesterday I have upgraded my
server to a new one.
While I was going tru the logs of certain host, that we use for url
redirection/shortening with ip of I saw some misrequests like /main.cvd and upon further
research i found out it was clamav related.

upon further googling i found out that

2014-12-11 db.us.rr.clamav.net
2014-10-25 db.us.big.clamav.net
2014-08-24 db.local.clamav.net
2014-05-10 db.local.win.clamav.net
2013-12-19 idefix.schaal-24.de
2013-09-13 db.us.clamav.net
2013-04-13 database.clamav.net

the above hostnames resolves to this ip number. (based on:
https://www.virustotal.com/en/ip-address/ )
I believe it is harmless to my server except filling the logfile, but this
config might effect the reliability of your service/software.
Could you fix it please?

Best regards,
Please submit your patches to our Bugzilla: http://bugs.clamav.net


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