Hi all,

I just updated Xcode (Apple's developer tools for macOS) to version 9 and I'm 
no longer able to compile ClamAV 0.99.2 with libxml2 support.

Here's the relevant output from the configure script:

> ...
> checking for libxml2 installation... /usr
> checking xml2-config version... 2.9.4
> checking for xmlreader.h in /usr... found
> checking for xmlTextReaderRead in -lxml2... no
> configure: ****** libxml2 support unavailable
> ...
> configure: Summary of engine detection features
>               bzip2       : ok
>               zlib        : /usr
>               unrar       : yes
>               pcre        : /usr/local/clamXav
>               libxml2     : no
>               yara        : yes

I'm aware that things tend to break when updating Xcode, so I did this test in 
a virtual machine, which means I can say with certainty that the devtools are 
the only things to have changed. If I revert to the snapshot with Xcode 8.3, 
the configure script finds everything it needs to within /usr:

> ...
> checking for libxml2 installation... /usr
> checking xml2-config version... 2.9.4
> checking for xmlreader.h in /usr... found
> checking for xmlTextReaderRead in -lxml2... yes
> configure: Compiling and linking with libxml2 from /usr
> ...
> configure: Summary of engine detection features
>               bzip2       : ok
>               zlib        : /usr
>               unrar       : yes
>               pcre        : /usr/local/clamXav
>               libxml2     : yes, from /usr
>               yara        : yes

If I update again (or go back to the snapshot with Xcode 9) it fails.

I've compared the checksums of the libraries in /usr/lib/libxml2.* and they're 
identical before and after the upgrade. Similarly, diffing the contents of 
/usr/include/libxml2/libxml shows they're exactly the same too, so I'm not 
quite sure what's going on.

Can anyone help shed some light on the matter please?

Many thanks

Please submit your patches to our Bugzilla: http://bugs.clamav.net


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