Dianne Skoll wrote:

> Hi,
> Something went badly wrong with clamd recently; it's stuck with
> hundreds/thousands of open files per process and interrupting mail
> flow.
> When a scanning thread finishes, I see this in the strace output.
> (I ran clamdscan /etc/hosts as a test):
> [pid  3707] 02:11:01 sendto(295, "/etc/hosts: OK\n", 15, 0, NULL, 0) =
> [15
> [pid  3707] 02:11:01 shutdown(295, SHUT_RDWR) = 0
> [pid  3707] 02:11:01 close(295)         = 0
> [pid  3707] 02:11:01 futex(0x1933c3c,
> [ffffffff) = -1 ETIMEDOUT (Connection timed out)
> [pid  3707] 02:11:31 futex(0x1933c10, FUTEX_WAKE_PRIVATE, 1) = 0
> [pid  3707] 02:11:31 madvise(0x7fae6affe000, 8368128, MADV_DONTNEED) =
> [0
> [pid  3707] 02:11:31 _exit(0)           = ?
> [pid  3707] 02:11:31 +++ exited with 0 +++
> So it scans the file, says it's OK. and then hangs in the futex for 30
> seconds.
> HELP!  This is causing major outages for many of our customers.

We're seeing something similar - this morning with 0.99.2, later with
0.99.3.  I am guessing there is something wrong in the database? 

Per Jessen, Zürich (8.2°C)
http://www.hostsuisse.com/ - virtual servers, made in Switzerland.

Please submit your patches to our Bugzilla: http://bugs.clamav.net


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