Hi Micah,

Thank you so much for your prompt reply.

On Wed 27/Feb/2019 20:48:44 +0100 Micah Snyder \(micasnyd\) via clamav-users 
> You're correct, there are non-backwards compatible changes in clamav.h in 
> version 0.101.  The libclamav major version number as also increased to 
> highlight the incompatibility.  
> The changes are mentioned somewhat briefly in the release notes:
> https://blog.clamav.net/2018/12/clamav-01010-has-been-released.html
> https://github.com/Cisco-Talos/clamav-devel/blob/clamav-0.101.1/NEWS.md#some-of-the-more-obvious-changes

That doc is rather brief about #define's.  I attach my attempt at matching 
them.  Besides having different values and going to different variables, 
CL_SCAN_* have new names.

> CL_SCAN_STDOPT previously enabled all parsers, plus heuristic alerts (which 
> were sometimes/inconsistently referred to as algorithmic detection): 
> https://github.com/Cisco-Talos/clamav-devel/blob/clamav-0.100.2/libclamav/clamav.h#L181
> In 0.101, CL_SCAN_STDOPT has gone away.  Instead, you can get the same 
> functionality by setting the following, as shown in the example 
> (https://github.com/Cisco-Talos/clamav-devel/blob/dev/0.101/examples/ex1.c#L93):

I see.  I think I'll code #ifdef CL_SCAN_STDOPT for compile time switching, 
trying to be compatible with v100.

>     options.parse |= ~0; /* enable all parsers */
>     options.general |= CL_SCAN_GENERAL_HEURISTICS; /* enable heuristic alert 
> options */

The docs suggest AlgorithmicDetection becomes HeuristicAlerts, I'm not clear if 
that implies CL_SCAN_ALGORITHMIC becomes CL_SCAN_GENERAL_HEURISTICS (as claimed 
in my attachment).


CL_ENGINE_* and CL_DB_* defines are untouched.

CL_SCAN_* migrated as follows(?):

-#define CL_SCAN_RAW                    0x0


-#define CL_SCAN_ARCHIVE                0x1
+#define CL_SCAN_PARSE_ARCHIVE          0x1

-#define CL_SCAN_MAIL                   0x2
+#define CL_SCAN_PARSE_MAIL             0x40

-#define CL_SCAN_OLE2                   0x4
+#define CL_SCAN_PARSE_OLE2             0x80

-#define CL_SCAN_BLOCKENCRYPTED                      0x8
+#define CL_SCAN_HEURISTIC_ENCRYPTED_ARCHIVE         0x40  /* alert if archive 
is encrypted (rar, zip, etc) */
+#define CL_SCAN_HEURISTIC_ENCRYPTED_DOC             0x80  /* alert if a 
document is encrypted (pdf, docx, etc) */

-#define CL_SCAN_HTML                   0x10
+#define CL_SCAN_PARSE_HTML             0x100

-#define CL_SCAN_PE                     0x20
+#define CL_SCAN_PARSE_PE               0x200

-#define CL_SCAN_BLOCKBROKEN                         0x40
+#define CL_SCAN_HEURISTIC_BROKEN                    0x2   /* alert on broken 
PE and broken ELF files */

-#define CL_SCAN_MAILURL                             0x80 /* ignored */

-#define CL_SCAN_BLOCKMAX                            0x100
+#define CL_SCAN_HEURISTIC_EXCEEDS_MAX               0x4   /* alert when files 
exceed scan limits (filesize, max scansize, or max recursion depth) */

-#define CL_SCAN_ALGORITHMIC                         0x200
+#define CL_SCAN_GENERAL_HEURISTICS                  0x4 /* option to enable 
heuristic alerts */

-#define CL_SCAN_PHISHING_BLOCKSSL                   0x800 /* ssl mismatches, 
not ssl by itself*/
+#define CL_SCAN_HEURISTIC_PHISHING_SSL_MISMATCH     0x8   /* alert on SSL 
mismatches */

-#define CL_SCAN_PHISHING_BLOCKCLOAK                 0x1000
+#define CL_SCAN_HEURISTIC_PHISHING_CLOAK            0x10  /* alert on cloaked 
URLs in emails */

-#define CL_SCAN_ELF                                 0x2000
+#define CL_SCAN_PARSE_ELF                           0x2

-#define CL_SCAN_PDF                                 0x4000
+#define CL_SCAN_PARSE_PDF                           0x4

-#define CL_SCAN_STRUCTURED                          0x8000
+#define CL_SCAN_HEURISTIC_STRUCTURED                0x200 /* data loss 
prevention options, i.e. alert when detecting personal information */

-#define CL_SCAN_STRUCTURED_SSN_NORMAL               0x10000
+#define CL_SCAN_HEURISTIC_STRUCTURED_SSN_NORMAL     0x400 /* alert when 
detecting social security numbers */

-#define CL_SCAN_STRUCTURED_SSN_STRIPPED             0x20000
+#define CL_SCAN_HEURISTIC_STRUCTURED_SSN_STRIPPED   0x800 /* alert when 
detecting stripped social security numbers */

-#define CL_SCAN_PARTIAL_MESSAGE                     0x40000
+#define CL_SCAN_MAIL_PARTIAL_MESSAGE                0x1

-#define CL_SCAN_HEURISTIC_PRECEDENCE                0x80000
+#define CL_SCAN_GENERAL_HEURISTIC_PRECEDENCE        0x8 /* allow heuristic 
match to take precedence. */

-#define CL_SCAN_BLOCKMACROS                         0x100000
+#define CL_SCAN_HEURISTIC_MACROS                    0x20  /* alert on OLE2 
files containing macros */

-#define CL_SCAN_ALLMATCHES                          0x200000
+#define CL_SCAN_GENERAL_ALLMATCHES                  0x1 /* scan in all-match 
mode */

-#define CL_SCAN_SWF                                 0x400000
+#define CL_SCAN_PARSE_SWF                           0x8

-#define CL_SCAN_PARTITION_INTXN                     0x800000
+#define CL_SCAN_HEURISTIC_PARTITION_INTXN           0x100 /* alert if 
partition table size doesn't make sense */

-#define CL_SCAN_XMLDOCS                             0x1000000
+#define CL_SCAN_PARSE_XMLDOCS                       0x20

-#define CL_SCAN_HWP3                                0x2000000
+#define CL_SCAN_PARSE_HWP3                          0x10

-#define CL_SCAN_PERFORMANCE_INFO                    0x40000000 /* collect 
performance timings */
+#define CL_SCAN_DEV_COLLECT_PERFORMANCE_INFO        0x2 /* collect performance 
timings */

-#define CL_SCAN_INTERNAL_COLLECT_SHA                0x80000000 /* Enables hash 
output in sha-collect builds - for internal use only */
+#define CL_SCAN_DEV_COLLECT_SHA                     0x1 /* Enables hash output 
in sha-collect builds - for internal use only */

-#define CL_SCAN_FILE_PROPERTIES                     0x10000000

+#define CL_SCAN_GENERAL_COLLECT_METADATA            0x2 /* collect metadata 
(--gen-json) */

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