OK, so tracking this one down took longer than I like to admit!

The issue seems to have crept in with commits 3e42216cc and 28afc94c3 back in 
April/May 2017.

Attached are patches for devel/HEAD as well as the stable 0.101.2 

Tests show that the issue is fixed and doesn't appear to introduce any false 
negatives.....however, it does produce a duplicate output line - one listed the 
infection found, and the second line (honouring the FP file) saying "OK".  The 
"infected files" count is correct - see output below.

Does anyone know how to fix that duplicate output?


virus-2009-04-13-id0007662101.zip: Osx.Worm.Leap-2 FOUND
virus-2009-04-13-id0007662101.zip: OK

----------- SCAN SUMMARY -----------
Known viruses: 6168730
Engine version: 0.101.2
Scanned directories: 0
Scanned files: 1
Infected files: 0
Data scanned: 0.02 MB
Data read: 0.00 MB (ratio 0.00:1)
Time: 33.865 sec (0 m 33 s)

Attachment: fix_devel_head.patch
Description: Binary data

Attachment: fix_101_2.patch
Description: Binary data

> On 12 Jul 2019, at 11:07 pm, Mark Allan <markjal...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I think there's a bug with ClamAV not honouring the contents of a .fp file 
> within the database directory.
> I've tested 0.101.2 as well as previous versions of ClamAV going back to 
> 0.99.4 and the issue seems to have appeared as of 0.100.0 onwards.
> To re-create the issue:
> Find a zip file which you know reports an infection when scanned.
> Use sigtool --md5 to generate an FP sig of the zip file and save it in a 
> <filename>.fp file in the databse directory.
> Use clamscan to scan the file and see that it still reports the file as being 
> infected.
> The output from clamscan --debug shows the .fp file is being loaded, but it 
> just doesn't seem to be being honoured for some reason.
> I see the same thing when I build ClamAV on macOS as well as when using the 
> apt-get distribution on Ubuntu 18.04
> Lastly, it only appears to be an issue with archive filetypes eg .zip, .dmg 
> etc. Simple files are excluded as expected - similarly, if you generate an FP 
> sig of a simple file and put that file within an archive, it correctly gets 
> excluded.
> I'll clone the source from Git on Monday and have a dig through it myself to 
> see if I can fix the bug, but thought I'd mention it here in case someone's 
> already on it, or at least knows where I can start looking!
> Cheers
> Mark


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