> https://blog.clamav.net/2021/07/clamav-01040-release-candidate-is-here.html 
> <https://blog.clamav.net/2021/07/clamav-01040-release-candidate-is-here.html>
> ClamAV 0.104.0 Release Candidate is here!
> We are pleased to announce the ClamAV 0.104.0 release candidate 
> <https://www.clamav.net/downloads>.
> Please help us validate this release. We need your feedback, so let us know 
> what you find and join us on the ClamAV mailing list 
> <https://lists.clamav.net/mailman/listinfo/clamav-users>, or on our Discord 
> <https://discord.gg/sGaxA5Q>, which is bridged with our IRC.
> This release candidate phase is only expected to last about two to four weeks 
> before the 0.104.0 Stable version will be published. Take this opportunity to 
> verify that you 0.104.0 can build and run in your environment. 
>  <>Please submit bug reports to the ClamAV project GitHub Issues 
> <https://github.com/Cisco-Talos/clamav/issues>.  
> ClamAV 0.104.0 includes the following improvements and changes.
> <https://github.com/Cisco-Talos/clamav/blob/dev/0.104/NEWS.md#new-requirements>
> New Requirements
> As of ClamAV 0.104, CMake is required to build ClamAV.
> We have added comprehensive build instructions for using CMake to the new 
> INSTALL.md file. The online documentation will also be updated to include 
> CMake build instructions.
> The Autotools and the Visual Studio build systems have been removed.
>  <https://github.com/Cisco-Talos/clamav/blob/dev/0.104/NEWS.md#major-changes>
> Major changes
> The built-in LLVM for the bytecode runtime has been removed.
> The bytecode interpreter is the default runtime for bytecode signatures just 
> as it was in ClamAV 0.103.
> We wished to add support for newer versions of LLVM, but ran out of time. If 
> you're building ClamAV from source and you wish to use LLVM instead of the 
> bytecode interpreter, you will need to supply the development libraries for 
> LLVM version 3.6.2. See INSTALL.md to learn more.
> There are now official ClamAV images on Docker Hub.
> Note: Until ClamAV 0.104.0 is released, these images are limited to 
> "unstable" versions, which are updated daily with the latest changes in the 
> default branch on GitHub.
> You can find the images on Docker Hub under clamav 
> <https://hub.docker.com/r/clamav/clamav>.
> Docker Hub ClamAV tags:
> clamav/clamav:<version>: A release preloaded with signature databases.
> Using this container will save the ClamAV project some bandwidth. Use this if 
> you will keep the image around so that you don't download the entire database 
> set every time you start a new container. Updating with FreshClam from the 
> existing databases set does not use much data.
> clamav/clamav:<version>_base: A release with no signature databases.
> Use this container only if you mount a volume in your container under 
> /var/lib/clamav to persist your signature database databases. This method is 
> the best option because it will reduce data costs for ClamAV and for the 
> Docker registry, but it does require advanced familiarity with Linux and 
> Docker.
> Caution: Using this image without mounting an existing database directory 
> will cause FreshClam to download the entire database set each time you start 
> a new container.
> You can use the unstable version (i.e. clamav/clamav:unstable or 
> clamav/clamav:unstable_base) to try the latest from our development branch.
> Please, be kind when using "free" bandwidth for the virus databases and 
> Docker registry. Try not to download the entire database set or the larger 
> ClamAV database images on a regular basis.
> For more details, see the ClamAV Docker documentation 
> <https://docs.clamav.net/manual/Installing/Docker.html>.
> Special thanks to Olliver Schinagl for his excellent work creating ClamAV's 
> new Docker files, image database deployment tooling, and user documentation.
> clamd and freshclam are now available as Windows services. To install and run 
> them, use the --install-service option and net start [name] command.
> Special thanks to Gianluigi Tiesi for his original work on this feature.
> <https://github.com/Cisco-Talos/clamav/blob/dev/0.104/NEWS.md#notable-changes>
> Notable changes
> We added these features in 0.103.1 but wanted to re-post them here, as patch 
> versions do not generally introduce new options:
> Added a new scan option to alert on broken media (graphics) file formats. 
> This feature mitigates the risk of malformed media files intended to exploit 
> vulnerabilities in other software. Currently, media validation exists for 
> JPEG, TIFF, PNG, and GIF files. To enable this feature, set AlertBrokenMedia 
> yes in clamd.conf, or use the --alert-broken-media option when using 
> clamscan. These options are disabled by default in this patch, but may be 
> enabled in a subsequent release. Application developers may enable this scan 
> option by enabling CL_SCAN_HEURISTIC_BROKEN_MEDIA for the heuristic scan 
> option bit field.
> Added CL_TYPE_TIFF, CL_TYPE_JPEG types to match GIF and PNG typing behavior. 
> BMP and JPEG 2000 files will continue to detect as CL_TYPE_GRAPHICS because 
> ClamAV does not have BMP or JPEG 2000 format-checking capabilities.
> Added progress callbacks to libclamav for:
> database load: cl_engine_set_clcb_sigload_progress()
> engine compile: cl_engine_set_clcb_engine_compile_progress()
> engine free: cl_engine_set_clcb_engine_free_progress()
> These new callbacks enable an application to monitor and estimate load, 
> compile and unload progress. See clamav.h for API details.
> Added progress bars to ClamScan for the signature load and engine compile 
> steps before a scan begins. The startup progress bars won't be enabled if 
> ClamScan isn't running in a terminal (i.e. if stdout is not a TTY), or if any 
> of these options are used:
> --debug
> --quiet
> --infected
> --no-summary
> <https://github.com/Cisco-Talos/clamav/blob/dev/0.104/NEWS.md#other-improvements>
> Other improvements
> Added the %f format string option to the ClamD VirusEvent feature to insert 
> the file path of the scan target when a virus event occurs. This supplements 
> the VirusEvent %v option that prints the signature (virus) name. The ClamD 
> VirusEvent feature also provides two environment variables, 
> effect. This fix comes courtesy of Vasile Papp.
> Improvements to the AutoIt extraction module. Patch courtesy of cw2k.
> Added support for extracting images from Excel *.xls (OLE2) documents.
> Trusted SHA256-based Authenticode hashes can now be loaded in from *.cat 
> files. See our Authenticode documentation 
> <https://docs.clamav.net/appendix/Authenticode.html> for more info about 
> using *.cat files with *.crb rules to trust signed Windows executables.
>  <https://github.com/Cisco-Talos/clamav/blob/dev/0.104/NEWS.md#bug-fixes>
> Bug fixes
> Fixed a memory leak affecting logical signatures that use the "byte compare" 
> feature. Patch courtesy of Andrea De Pasquale.
> Fixed bytecode match evaluation for PDF bytecode hooks in PDF file scans.
> Other minor bug fixes.
> <https://github.com/Cisco-Talos/clamav/blob/dev/0.104/NEWS.md#acknowledgements>
> Acknowledgments
> The ClamAV team thanks the following individuals for their code submissions:
> Alexander Golovach
> Andrea De Pasquale
> Andrew Williams
> Armin Kuster
> Brian Bergstrand
> cw2k
> Duane Waddle
> Gianluigi Tiesi
> Jonas Zaddach
> Kenneth Hau
> Markus Strehle
> Olliver Schinagl
> Orion Poplawski
> Sergey Valentey
> Sven Rueß
> Tom Briden
> Vasile Papp
> Yasuhiro Kimura

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