> Hi Everyone,
> Okay, I do run a very busy server here, so I need some optimal settings
> for clamd.
> I get alot of errors like this one:
> Fri Nov 15 07:53:54 2002 -> ERROR: accept() failed.
> Fri Nov 15 07:53:54 2002 -> Found free slot 0
> Fri Nov 15 07:53:54 2002 -> ERROR: accept() failed.
> Fri Nov 15 07:53:54 2002 -> Found free slot 0
> Fri Nov 15 07:53:54 2002 -> ERROR: accept() failed.
> Fri Nov 15 07:53:54 2002 -> Found free slot 0
> Fri Nov 15 07:53:54 2002 -> ERROR: accept() failed.
> Fri Nov 15 07:53:54 2002 -> Found free slot 0
> Fri Nov 15 07:53:54 2002 -> ERROR: accept() failed.


please add the folowing line to the clamd/server.c file:
logg("accept() error: %s\n", strerror(errno));
just after the accept() function call (after logg("accept() failed...)).
This message may not be very accurate (because errno is not a thread safe),
but will help.

Best regards,
Tomasz Kojm
      oo    .....       [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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        \..........._   I nie zapomnij kliknac w brzuszek... 
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