
When loading clamd, I receive the following error message:

LibClamAV Error: Wrote 0 instead of 512 (/tmp/[...]/viruses.db)
LibClamAV Error: cli_cvdload(): Can't unpack CVD file.
ERROR: CVD extraction failure.

Looking into the code, this might lead me to think the gunzip
functionality isn't working due to file permissions in /tmp; this would
not seem to be the case however (/tmp is 1777).

Clamd is set to run as clamav:clamav.

freshclam works fine, and using sigtool reports that the dialy.cvd and
main.cvd files valid and current....

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Thanks so much!!

Carl Holtje

- --

"There are 10 types of people in the world: Those who understand binary
and those that don't."

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  System Administrator Group
  Computer Science Department
  Rochester Institute of Technology


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