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(I sent a version of this a few days ago, but got messages back saying it 
could not yet be delivered; I've not seen it reach the list, but apologies if 
this is a repeat.)

I am finding that when freshclam updates the database and clamd reloads the
database, shortly afterwards I get a clamd segmentation fault. This has
happened since at least December, for every version of clamav I have used. I
am currently using version devel-20040123. Every database reload that has 
happened (few of them because this is a desktop machine and also I have been 
installing most snapshots which together means I am restarting clamd 
frequently) has been followed by a segmentation fault, except for one at 
20:45 today. When it worked then I thought the problem was fixed, but it just 
happened at 21:45.

My set up is:

- - Linux 2.4.18 (it was 2.4.10 when I first had this problem)
- - KDE 3.1.5 (3.1.4 until recently)
- - I run clamd
- - I use clamuko, with dazuko version 1.2.2 (so when clamd crashes, my desktop
stops working because most directories in my home directory are guarded by

The lines of clamd.log leading up to the segmentation fault are as follows; 
there was a freshclam at 21:45 run by cron: /usr/local/bin/freshclam 
- --daemon-notify

Tue Jan 27 21:45:42 2004 -> Stopping Clamuko...
Tue Jan 27 21:45:42 2004 -> Clamuko: clamuko_exit(), signal 10
Tue Jan 27 21:45:42 2004 -> Clamuko stopped.
Tue Jan 27 21:45:42 2004 -> Reading databases from /usr/local/share/clamav
Tue Jan 27 21:45:45 2004 -> Database correctly reloaded (20580 viruses)
Tue Jan 27 21:45:45 2004 -> Starting Clamuko...
Tue Jan 27 21:45:45 2004 -> Clamuko: Started in process 3027
Tue Jan 27 21:45:45 2004 -> Clamuko: Correctly registered with Dazuko.
Tue Jan 27 21:45:45 2004 -> Clamuko: Scan-on-open mode activated.
Tue Jan 27 21:45:45 2004 -> Clamuko: Scan-on-close mode activated.
Tue Jan 27 21:45:45 2004 -> Clamuko: Scan-on-exec mode activated.
Tue Jan 27 21:45:45 2004 -> Clamuko: Included path /home
Tue Jan 27 21:45:45 2004 -> Clamuko: Included path /opt/Sharing
Tue Jan 27 21:45:45 2004 -> Clamuko: Included path /c:
Tue Jan 27 21:45:45 2004 -> Clamuko: Included path /d:
Tue Jan 27 21:45:45 2004 -> Clamuko: Excluded path /home/steve/Mail
Tue Jan 27 21:45:45 2004 -> Clamuko: Excluded path /home/steve/.spamassassin
Tue Jan 27 21:45:45 2004 -> Clamuko: Excluded path /home/lucy/Mail
Tue Jan 27 21:45:45 2004 -> Clamuko: Archive support disabled.
Tue Jan 27 21:45:45 2004 -> Clamuko: Max file size limited to 1048576 bytes.
Tue Jan 27 21:46:21 2004 -> Segmentation fault :-( Bye..

I don't know if this is relevant, but when clamuko starts I see a warning like
this in /var/log/messages:

linux kernel: dazuko: warning: daemon 3095 is using a deprecated protocol

Can I provide any more detailed information?

Version: GnuPG v1.2.3 (GNU/Linux)


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