
I am new to this list and sorry if my posts are a little 'newbie'.

I have two Red Hat 8.0 systems using sendmail 8.12.8 and spamassassin 2.60.
I would like to add viral protection with clamav and am still not totally
certain as to methodology.  I have downloaded 0.65 of clamav.

My understanding is that sendmail needs to send it's packet to clamav via a
milter, and then on to spamassassin.  I am not sure how this works at this
point and have not found a flow chart that illustrates what must be
connected to what for everything to work.

My thought was to use clamav-milter, but am unable to get any executable
file when I use the following:

./configure --sysconfidir=/etc --enable-milter
su -c "make install"

These commmands produce clamdscan,clamscan, and fresshclam in the
/usr/local/bin directory as well as clamd in the /usr/local/sbin/ directory.

I have been able to get freshclam to function without difficulty.

I have downloaded the PDF documentation file for 0.65, but I have not been
able to uncover the syntax to get sendmail, spamassassin, and clamav all

Your help would certainly be appreciated.

Thank you,

Greg Ennis

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