On Wed, 3 Mar 2004 02:50:15 +0100 (CET)
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Jesper Juhl) wrote:

> On Wed, 3 Mar 2004, Rembrandt wrote:
> [...]
> > 2.
> > Are there any improvemts planed wich enable clamAV to clean files?
> > Now it just delete them.
> >
> I can't speak for anyone but myself, but I don't think that is
> planned. First of all, some virii may be impossible to clean (some of
> them destroy the files they infect).
> Second,  some files may be *very* hard to clean since the virii
> rewrite the binary in order to insert itself and figuring out what the
> file looked like prior to infection is *not* trivial, so it's a hard
> problem and to do it requires a lot of time and often specific
> handling of each individual virus.
> Third, would you trust a file after it was "cleaned"? Personally I
> would not - no matter who cleaned it; clam or some commercial AV
> vendor doesn't matter, I still wouldn't trust that file. If an
> infected file is found, the only proper action in my oppinion is to
> delete the file and then restore a known-good copy from original media
> or backup.

I think you've to wath on both sides of the medal.
Yes I would trust cleaned files but why dosn't matter here.
The situation you've to think about: What's whenn all possible backups
and copies are infected?
I know guys wich are working as administrators at a newspaper.
They make backups.. yes.. 
But they make it only for 1 week (couse there's too much data).
So they're able to restore all files wich changed since date X.
But what's about a virii wich infects the files and waits until a
special date?
Or what's about logic-bombs?

Trust me: I'm able to think about a virii wich is more destructive then
all over together. 

So I think such a function is needed.

> > 3.
> > Please don't make a flamewar (!!!!) but:
> >
> > Why GPL?
> > I think clamAV could also use a more free license like the
> > BSD-license couse nobody steals something from clamAV. And the
> > reason is easy: All other commercial scanners detects more
> > virii/worms and they could also clean the most files. So why GPL and
> > not BSD-License? I think with the BSD-License clamAV could be more
> > acceptable for more people. Not just all current BSD-OSs (NetBSD,
> > FreeBSD, OpenBSD, MirBSD, MicroBSD...). There much more people wich
> > prefer BSD-Licensed code and wich strictly against GPL (such as
> > Plan9 and other OSs).
> >
> Again, I can only answer this from my own personal point of view - I
> didn't write the original code so I did not deside the license.
> My /personal/ oppinion is that the GPL is a better license than the
> BSD license since it ensures that modifications are contributed back
> to the ClamAV community. With a BSD license nothing stops someone from
> incorporating ClamAV in a commercial product without giving anything
> back. But, that's just my personal oppinion. Hope that was properly
> flame-proof;-)

Sorry I don't angree to that.
It's not true that ALL people will steals this source.
Yes with GPL it's a MUST to contribute something back.
But I prefer BSD (it could also be BSD-Like, so that every commercial
Product must told the user that they use code of clamAV). Why?
With GPL companies aren't able to cross-license something.
That's a huge problem. Take a look to intel and WLAN-support on *NIX.
It's damn... the most normals NICs work but mostly the developers
haven't any docs. And why? Couse Intel fears that someone could steal
something (so I understand the situation).

The other point why GPL isn't usefull: GPL infects other Licenses.
If I write something and put it under BSD-License (could also be another
license, like the license from plan9 or something else) I can't use
GPL-Licensed patches or improvements. When I include such
patches/improvements the whoole project goes under GPL.
I think that's the reason why BSDs dosn't accept clamAV.
Yes it's in the ports but it could be std-software wich is always on
each BSD. And I think there a lot of developers outside who will help
but who wont accept GPL.

I personaly dosn't love the GPL and some guys maybe think I hate the
Maybe.. but if I analyse the situation: There's NO need for GPL couse
nobody will  steals something.

It could be more political...
If GPL is the digital socialism BSD would be the great communism. :p
Ok just 2 cents from a man who read Marx and others.
so please ignore this line and the 3 lines before. :-)


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