We've been having some trouble with 0.67 crashing. I believe it has to
do with a mail loop created between hotmail and a forwarded local user

Right before the crash all memory will be used. Before we started using
ulimits we would get:

Mar  4 14:34:33 minos kernel: Out of Memory: Killed process 21902

We have 1Gb RAM and another Gb of swap so it is pretty hungry.

Every file in the directory listed has the exact same message (there are
16 of them):

Final-Recipient: rfc822;<deleted>@hotmail.com
Action: failed
Status: 5.2.3
Diagnostic-Code: smtp;552 5.2.3 This message is larger than the current
system limit or the recipient's mailbox is full. Create a shorter
message body or remove attachments and try sending it again.

I'm running the crashhat rpms (recompiled locally) with clamav-milter
and ulimits on the clamav user to prevent it from eating all the RAM
(this happens a lot, I believe related to this crash).

clamav-milter --version:
ClamAV version 0.67, clamav-milter version 0.66n

[EMAIL PROTECTED] profile.d]# su - clamav -s /bin/bash -c "ulimit -a"
core file size        (blocks, -c) unlimited
data seg size         (kbytes, -d) 200000
file size             (blocks, -f) unlimited
max locked memory     (kbytes, -l) unlimited
max memory size       (kbytes, -m) 200000
open files                    (-n) 5000
pipe size          (512 bytes, -p) 8
stack size            (kbytes, -s) 10240
cpu time             (seconds, -t) unlimited
max user processes            (-u) 7168
virtual memory        (kbytes, -v) 200000

For those interested in ulimits: We had to make a small modification to
the init script to make it use ulimits. 

daemon /usr/sbin/clamd

daemon --user clamav /usr/sbin/clamd

Robert Schmidt -- UNIX Tech Support
MC1021 519-888-4567 x6453

(gdb) bt
#0  0x008b8c32 in _dl_sysinfo_int80 () from /lib/ld-linux.so.2
#1  0x008f7989 in raise () from /lib/tls/libc.so.6
#2  0x008f9342 in abort () from /lib/tls/libc.so.6
#3  0x008f1338 in __assert_fail () from /lib/tls/libc.so.6
#4  0x003bffc8 in messageToText (m=0xaee63b60) at message.c:1070
#5  0x003bc447 in parseEmailHeaders (m=0x6, rfc821Table=0x97538a8) at mbox.c:403
#6  0x003bd4e0 in parseEmailBody (messageIn=0xaea5a1b8, blobsIn=0x0, nBlobs=0, 
textIn=0x0, dir=0x8d313d0 "/tmp/68c22c5cdec7b0e8",
    rfc821Table=0x97538a8, subtypeTable=0x9753928) at mbox.c:958
#7  0x003bd525 in parseEmailBody (messageIn=0xafcc6388, blobsIn=0x0, nBlobs=0, 
textIn=0x0, dir=0x8d313d0 "/tmp/68c22c5cdec7b0e8",
    rfc821Table=0x97538a8, subtypeTable=0x9753928) at mbox.c:960
#8  0x003bd525 in parseEmailBody (messageIn=0xb0c2d490, blobsIn=0x0, nBlobs=0, 
textIn=0x0, dir=0x8d313d0 "/tmp/68c22c5cdec7b0e8",
    rfc821Table=0x97538a8, subtypeTable=0x9753928) at mbox.c:960
#9  0x003bd525 in parseEmailBody (messageIn=0xb1e8f2d8, blobsIn=0x0, nBlobs=0, 
textIn=0x0, dir=0x8d313d0 "/tmp/68c22c5cdec7b0e8",
    rfc821Table=0x97538a8, subtypeTable=0x9753928) at mbox.c:960
#10 0x003bd525 in parseEmailBody (messageIn=0xb30ed508, blobsIn=0x0, nBlobs=0, 
textIn=0x0, dir=0x8d313d0 "/tmp/68c22c5cdec7b0e8",
    rfc821Table=0x97538a8, subtypeTable=0x9753928) at mbox.c:960
#11 0x003bd525 in parseEmailBody (messageIn=0xb4047d48, blobsIn=0x0, nBlobs=0, 
textIn=0x0, dir=0x8d313d0 "/tmp/68c22c5cdec7b0e8",
    rfc821Table=0x97538a8, subtypeTable=0x9753928) at mbox.c:960
#12 0x003bd525 in parseEmailBody (messageIn=0xb529dc78, blobsIn=0x0, nBlobs=0, 
textIn=0x0, dir=0x8d313d0 "/tmp/68c22c5cdec7b0e8",
    rfc821Table=0x97538a8, subtypeTable=0x9753928) at mbox.c:960
#13 0x003bd525 in parseEmailBody (messageIn=0xb64f0dd8, blobsIn=0x0, nBlobs=0, 
textIn=0x0, dir=0x8d313d0 "/tmp/68c22c5cdec7b0e8",
    rfc821Table=0x97538a8, subtypeTable=0x9753928) at mbox.c:960
#14 0x003bd525 in parseEmailBody (messageIn=0xb743f440, blobsIn=0x0, nBlobs=0, 
textIn=0x0, dir=0x8d313d0 "/tmp/68c22c5cdec7b0e8",
    rfc821Table=0x97538a8, subtypeTable=0x9753928) at mbox.c:960
#15 0x003bd525 in parseEmailBody (messageIn=0xb868cc60, blobsIn=0x0, nBlobs=0, 
textIn=0x0, dir=0x8d313d0 "/tmp/68c22c5cdec7b0e8",
    rfc821Table=0x97538a8, subtypeTable=0x9753928) at mbox.c:960
#16 0x003bd525 in parseEmailBody (messageIn=0xb98d5890, blobsIn=0x0, nBlobs=0, 
textIn=0x0, dir=0x8d313d0 "/tmp/68c22c5cdec7b0e8",
    rfc821Table=0x97538a8, subtypeTable=0x9753928) at mbox.c:960
#17 0x003bd525 in parseEmailBody (messageIn=0xba819538, blobsIn=0x0, nBlobs=0, 
textIn=0x0, dir=0x8d313d0 "/tmp/68c22c5cdec7b0e8",
    rfc821Table=0x97538a8, subtypeTable=0x9753928) at mbox.c:960
#18 0x003bd525 in parseEmailBody (messageIn=0xbdcaefa0, blobsIn=0x0, nBlobs=0, 
textIn=0x0, dir=0x8d313d0 "/tmp/68c22c5cdec7b0e8",
    rfc821Table=0x97538a8, subtypeTable=0x9753928) at mbox.c:960
#19 0x003bd525 in parseEmailBody (messageIn=0xa46ba28, blobsIn=0x0, nBlobs=0, 
textIn=0x0, dir=0x8d313d0 "/tmp/68c22c5cdec7b0e8",
    rfc821Table=0x97538a8, subtypeTable=0x9753928) at mbox.c:960
#20 0x003bd525 in parseEmailBody (messageIn=0xa019df8, blobsIn=0x0, nBlobs=0, 
textIn=0x0, dir=0x8d313d0 "/tmp/68c22c5cdec7b0e8",
    rfc821Table=0x97538a8, subtypeTable=0x9753928) at mbox.c:960
#21 0x003bc2a4 in cl_mbox (dir=0x8d313d0 "/tmp/68c22c5cdec7b0e8", desc=0) at mbox.c:369
#22 0x003b6054 in cli_scanmail (desc=0, virname=0x0, scanned=0x0, root=0x0, 
limits=0x0, options=0, reclev=0xbc1f2520) at scanners.c:657
#23 0x003b62e2 in cli_magic_scandesc (desc=12, virname=0xbc1f256c, scanned=0x0, 
root=0x8ca1118, limits=0xbff66450, options=7,
    reclev=0xbc1f2520) at scanners.c:735
#24 0x003b6430 in cl_scandesc (desc=0, virname=0x0, scanned=0x0, root=0x0, limits=0x0, 
options=0) at scanners.c:758
#25 0x0804d878 in scanstream ()
#26 0xbc1f256c in ?? ()
(gdb) quit

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