On Tue, 2004-03-23 at 09:41 -0500, Bart Silverstrim wrote:

> Silly question time...
> While I suppose the questions about the standard naming sequences may 
> help, I would propose one other idea (along with asking for help with 
> my question :-)
> First: I see a hit in my logfiles for Exploit.HTML.Bagle.Gen-4-eml; is 
> this the variant I've read about where if a user on Windows *previews* 
> a mail message (no attachment), they can get infected?

That would be the one.

> Second: is there a database for clamav with descriptions of the 
> viruses?  I wondered if some kind of user-supplemented database could 
> be used online, and *there* have the aliases, rather than bulk up the 
> antivirus database with aliases and pseudonyms.  If you see a virus 
> hit, you could refer to the online site and check for AKA's of the 
> virus name (as well as information of what the viruses are capable of). 
>   Just an idea...

I've considered suggesting just such an idea myself.  Most AV vendors do
have information about the viruses listed in their databases (what it
does, what it infects, how to prevent and how to clean if possible).
Along with current outbreak info.  While that would be a big task for
the core developers, I'm sure there'd be a few people in the Clam
community who could submit this information.  A Wiki type interface
would be perfect for this.


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