On Mon, Mar 29, 2004 at 02:35:33PM +1000, Mick Pollard wrote the following:
> Joseph A. Nagy, Jr. wrote:
> >Clam scan claims to have found one infected file in the 8000+ files it
> >scanned. I sent this info to a log file so I can deal with the file, but 
> >I'm
> >not going to look at the entire list. I'd rather just search for the string
> >that clamscan appends to the end of the line to indicate an infected file.
> >Could someone please tell me that string?
> Hi, have you tried scanning with "clamscan -i" ?
> This will only log infected files.
> Regards
> Mick Pollard ( lunix )
Nope, but will do, thanks.

Joseph A. Nagy, Jr. http://joseph-a-nagy-jr.homelinux.org
Political Activist Extraordinaire
The only fallacy is the inaction on our part to stave off the worst of 
horrors, the stripping of personal freedom.

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