Krištof Petr wrote:
Luc de Louw wrote:

If you are writing some documentation, you _should_ read the another before. <G>

Your document says:

> I suggest to update the signatures with a hourly cronjob. To edit the crontab issue *crontab -e* and add the following line:
> 0 * * * * /usr/local/bin/freshclam --quiet -l /var/log/clam-update.log

But Clamav documentation says:

> The other method is to use the cron daemon. You have to add the following line to the
> crontab of the root or clamav users:
> N * * * * /usr/local/bin/freshclam --quiet
> to check for a new database every hour. N should be a number between 1 and 59
> of your choice. Please don't choose any multiple of 10, because there are already
> too many servers using those time slots.

I'm sorry for that. I have some own method to write documentations (Just do it, and write it down). Somethimes this is not the best method.

Anyway, I updated the HOWTO and corrected the issue and wrote about the "time-based loadbalancing".

Further I made some other minor corrections.

The document is now known as release 1.2.6 and available here: announcement pending...



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