On Fri, 9 Apr 2004, Tomasz Kojm wrote:
> jef moskot <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Is there no way to get Clam to report which message the infected file
> > (or at least the FIRST infected file) is in?
> You may try with clamscan -m --debug

Could you give some tips on how to use that to figure out which message is
being referred to?  For example, I have a mail file with just one message
in it (which is infected) and the output is quite noisy.  I've attached it
below.  When scanning a mailbox with 1000 messages in it, it's quite
difficult to make anything of this output without knowing exactly what to
look for.

Also, piping the output to a file doesn't seem to work, so even if there's
some flag to grep for, it's difficult to manage.

Is keeping a message counter feasible, given the design of the code?

Jeffrey Moskot
System Administrator

SCAN OUTPUT (names have been changed to protect the innocent and not):

#: clamscan -m --debug malware.1
LibClamAV debug: Loading databases from /usr/local/share/clamav
LibClamAV debug: Loading /usr/local/share/clamav/main.cvd
LibClamAV debug: /usr/local/share/clamav/main.cvd: CVD file detected
LibClamAV debug: in cli_cvdload()
LibClamAV debug: MD5(.tar.gz) = 1b99fa97eec06a4e2946d2c53d63f2c1
LibClamAV debug: Decoded signature: 1b99fa97eec06a4e2946d2c53d63f2c1
LibClamAV debug: Digital signature is correct.
LibClamAV debug: in cli_untgz()
LibClamAV debug: Unpacking /var/tmp//5be97e661849fdd0/COPYING
LibClamAV debug: Unpacking /var/tmp//5be97e661849fdd0/viruses.db
LibClamAV debug: Loading databases from /var/tmp//5be97e661849fdd0
LibClamAV debug: Loading /var/tmp//5be97e661849fdd0/viruses.db
LibClamAV debug: Initializing trie.
LibClamAV debug: Loading /usr/local/share/clamav/daily.cvd
LibClamAV debug: /usr/local/share/clamav/daily.cvd: CVD file detected
LibClamAV debug: in cli_cvdload()
LibClamAV debug: MD5(.tar.gz) = ac07fb36367c36f62aebaf42ff53c273
LibClamAV debug: Decoded signature: ac07fb36367c36f62aebaf42ff53c273
LibClamAV debug: Digital signature is correct.
LibClamAV debug: in cli_untgz()
LibClamAV debug: Unpacking /var/tmp//2c1156fb087c6d13/COPYING
LibClamAV debug: Unpacking /var/tmp//2c1156fb087c6d13/viruses.db2
LibClamAV debug: Loading databases from /var/tmp//2c1156fb087c6d13
LibClamAV debug: Loading /var/tmp//2c1156fb087c6d13/viruses.db2
LibClamAV debug: Recognized MBox file
LibClamAV debug: Starting cli_scanmail()
LibClamAV debug: in mbox()
LibClamAV debug: Deal with header From [EMAIL PROTECTED] Thu Apr  8 11:18:31 2004
LibClamAV debug: parseEmailHeader 'From [EMAIL PROTECTED] Thu Apr  8 11:18:31 2004'
LibClamAV debug: parseMimeHeader: cmd='From [EMAIL PROTECTED] Thu Apr  8 11', 
arg='18:31 2004'
LibClamAV debug: Deal with header Return-Path: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
LibClamAV debug: parseEmailHeader 'Return-Path: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>'
LibClamAV debug: parseMimeHeader: cmd='Return-Path', arg=' <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>'
LibClamAV debug: Deal with header Received: from virus.relay.com (virus.relay.com 
LibClamAV debug: parseEmailHeader 'Received: from virus.relay.com (virus.relay.com 
LibClamAV debug: parseMimeHeader: cmd='Received', arg=' from virus.relay.com 
(virus.relay.com [XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX])'
LibClamAV debug: Discarding unwanted argument 'by virus.destination.com 
(8.12.8p1/8.12.8av) with SMTP id
LibClamAV debug: Discarding unwanted argument 'for <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>'
LibClamAV debug: Discarding unwanted argument 'Thu, 8 Apr 2004 11'
LibClamAV debug: Discarding unwanted argument '18'
LibClamAV debug: Discarding unwanted argument '31 -0400 (EDT)'
LibClamAV debug: Discarding unwanted argument '(envelope-from [EMAIL PROTECTED])'
LibClamAV debug: Deal with header Date: Thu, 8 Apr 2004 11:18:31 -0400 (EDT)
LibClamAV debug: parseEmailHeader 'Date: Thu, 8 Apr 2004 11:18:31 -0400 (EDT)'
LibClamAV debug: parseMimeHeader: cmd='Date', arg=' Thu, 8 Apr 2004 11:18:31 -0400 
LibClamAV debug: Deal with header Message-Id: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
LibClamAV debug: parseEmailHeader 'Message-Id: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>'
LibClamAV debug: parseMimeHeader: cmd='Message-Id', arg=' <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>'
LibClamAV debug: Deal with header Received: (qmail 7 invoked by alias); 8 Apr 2004 
15:22:58 -0000
LibClamAV debug: parseEmailHeader 'Received: (qmail 7 invoked by alias); 8 Apr 2004 
15:22:58 -0000'
LibClamAV debug: parseMimeHeader: cmd='Received', arg=' (qmail 7 invoked by alias); 8 
Apr 2004 15:22:58 -0000'
LibClamAV debug: Deal with header Delivered-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
LibClamAV debug: parseEmailHeader 'Delivered-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]'
LibClamAV debug: parseMimeHeader: cmd='Delivered-To', arg=' [EMAIL PROTECTED]'
LibClamAV debug: Deal with header Received: (qmail 9254 invoked from network); 8 Apr 
2004 15:22:37 -0000
LibClamAV debug: parseEmailHeader 'Received: (qmail 9254 invoked from network); 8 Apr 
2004 15:22:37 -0000'
LibClamAV debug: parseMimeHeader: cmd='Received', arg=' (qmail 9254 invoked from 
network); 8 Apr 2004 15:22:37 -0000'
LibClamAV debug: Deal with header Received: from virus.origin.com (HELO computername)
LibClamAV debug: parseEmailHeader 'Received: from virus.origin.com (HELO computername)
LibClamAV debug: parseMimeHeader: cmd='Received', arg=' from virus.origin.com (HELO
computername) ('
LibClamAV debug: Discarding unwanted argument 'by virus.relay.com with SMTP'
LibClamAV debug: Discarding unwanted argument '8 Apr 2004 15'
LibClamAV debug: Discarding unwanted argument '22'
LibClamAV debug: Discarding unwanted argument '37 -0000'
LibClamAV debug: Deal with header From: "juan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
LibClamAV debug: parseEmailHeader 'From: "juan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>'
LibClamAV debug: parseMimeHeader: cmd='From', arg=' "juan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>'
LibClamAV debug: Deal with header Subject:  Re: sorry we can't go out again, size does 
matter to me!
LibClamAV debug: parseEmailHeader 'Subject:  Re: sorry we can't go out again, size 
does matter to me!'
LibClamAV debug: parseMimeHeader: cmd='Subject', arg='  Re: sorry we can't go out 
again, size does matter to me!'
LibClamAV debug: Deal with header MIME-Version: 1.0
LibClamAV debug: parseEmailHeader 'MIME-Version: 1.0'
LibClamAV debug: parseMimeHeader: cmd='MIME-Version', arg=' 1.0'
LibClamAV debug: Deal with header Content-Type: multipart/mixed; 
LibClamAV debug: parseEmailHeader 'Content-Type: multipart/mixed; 
LibClamAV debug: parseMimeHeader: cmd='Content-Type', arg=' multipart/mixed; 
LibClamAV debug: messageSetMimeType: ' multipart'
LibClamAV debug: Add arguments ' boundary="----------QCD72W794QIH7W"'
LibClamAV debug: Add argument 'boundary=----------QCD72W794QIH7W'
LibClamAV debug: Deal with header To: undisclosed-recipients:;
LibClamAV debug: parseEmailHeader 'To: undisclosed-recipients:;'
LibClamAV debug: parseMimeHeader: cmd='To', arg=' undisclosed-recipients:;'
LibClamAV debug: Deal with header X-IMAPbase: 1081463642 1
LibClamAV debug: parseEmailHeader 'X-IMAPbase: 1081463642 1'
LibClamAV debug: parseMimeHeader: cmd='X-IMAPbase', arg=' 1081463642 1'
LibClamAV debug: Deal with header Status: RO
LibClamAV debug: parseEmailHeader 'Status: RO'
LibClamAV debug: parseMimeHeader: cmd='Status', arg=' RO'
LibClamAV debug: Deal with header X-Status:
LibClamAV debug: parseEmailHeader 'X-Status:'
LibClamAV debug: Deal with header X-Keywords:
LibClamAV debug: parseEmailHeader 'X-Keywords:'
LibClamAV debug: Deal with header X-UID: 1
LibClamAV debug: parseEmailHeader 'X-UID: 1'
LibClamAV debug: parseMimeHeader: cmd='X-UID', arg=' 1'
LibClamAV debug: Deal with header
LibClamAV debug: End of header information
LibClamAV debug: parseEmailHeaders: calling textDestroy
LibClamAV debug: parseEmailHeaders: return
LibClamAV debug: in parseEmailBody(nBlobs = 0)
LibClamAV debug: Parsing mail file
LibClamAV debug: mimeType = 5
LibClamAV debug: found ----------QCD72W794QIH7W in ------------QCD72W794QIH7W
LibClamAV debug: Now read in part 0
LibClamAV debug: parseEmailHeader 'Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii'
LibClamAV debug: parseMimeHeader: cmd='Content-Type', arg=' text/plain; 
LibClamAV debug: messageSetMimeType: ' text'
LibClamAV debug: Add arguments ' charset=us-ascii'
LibClamAV debug: Discarding unwanted argument 'charset=us-ascii'
LibClamAV debug: parseEmailHeader 'Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit'
LibClamAV debug: parseMimeHeader: cmd='Content-Transfer-Encoding', arg=' 7bit'
LibClamAV debug: Encoding type is "7bit"
LibClamAV debug: found ----------QCD72W794QIH7W in ------------QCD72W794QIH7W
LibClamAV debug: Part 0 has 3 lines
LibClamAV debug: Now read in part 1
LibClamAV debug: parseEmailHeader 'Content-Type: application/x-msdownload; 
name="09-11- PENSYLVANIE- CVR-
LibClamAV debug: parseMimeHeader: cmd='Content-Type', arg=' application/x-msdownload; 
name="09-11- PENSYLVANIE- CVR-
LibClamAV debug: messageSetMimeType: ' application'
LibClamAV debug: Add arguments ' name="09-11- PENSYLVANIE- CVR-  
LibClamAV debug: Add argument 'name=09-11- PENSYLVANIE- CVR-  VERSLAG!!!!!!!.htm.scr'
LibClamAV debug: parseEmailHeader 'Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64'
LibClamAV debug: parseMimeHeader: cmd='Content-Transfer-Encoding', arg=' base64'
LibClamAV debug: Encoding type is "base64"
LibClamAV debug: parseEmailHeader 'Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="09-11- 
LibClamAV debug: parseMimeHeader: cmd='Content-Disposition', arg=' attachment; 
filename="09-11- PENSYLVANIE- CVR-
LibClamAV debug: Add argument 'filename="09-11- PENSYLVANIE- CVR-  
LibClamAV debug: found ----------QCD72W794QIH7W in ------------QCD72W794QIH7W--
LibClamAV debug: Part 1 has 927 lines
LibClamAV debug: Now read in part 2
LibClamAV debug: Empty part
LibClamAV debug: The message has 3 parts
LibClamAV debug: Find out the multipart type(mixed)
LibClamAV debug: Mixed message with 3 parts
LibClamAV debug: Mixed message part 0 is of type 6
LibClamAV debug: Mixed message text part disposition ""
LibClamAV debug: Adding part to main message
LibClamAV debug: Mixed message part 1 is of type 1
LibClamAV debug: blobSetFilename: 09-11- PENSYLVANIE- CVR-  VERSLAG!!!!!!!.htm.scr
LibClamAV debug: Mixed message part 2 is of type 0
LibClamAV debug: in parseEmailBody(nBlobs = 1)
LibClamAV debug: 1 attachments found
LibClamAV debug: Saving attachment in /var/tmp//b9dc5b68cec4894e/09-11- PENSYLVANIE- 
CVR-  VERSLAG!!!!!!!.htm.scr
LibClamAV debug: Saving attachment as /var/tmp//b9dc5b68cec4894e/09-11- PENSYLVANIE- 
VERSLAG!!!!!!!.htm.scrhO6jxP (52737 bytes long)
LibClamAV debug: blobDestroy
LibClamAV debug: parseEmailBody() returning 1
LibClamAV debug: cli_mbox returning 0
LibClamAV debug: Scanning /var/tmp//b9dc5b68cec4894e/09-11- PENSYLVANIE- CVR-  
LibClamAV debug: Worm.Bugbear.C virus found in descriptor 7.
malware.1: Worm.Bugbear.C FOUND

----------- SCAN SUMMARY -----------
Known viruses: 21042
Scanned directories: 0
Scanned files: 1
Infected files: 1
Data scanned: 0.05 MB
I/O buffer size: 131072 bytes
Time: 1.145 sec (0 m 1 s)

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