I have clamav-70 with senmail and milter with a quarantine directory. I see a number of files left there that do apear to contain a virus. However, there are some files that are very short remaining that have been identified as containing a virus in the maillog file but only contain one empty mime attachment. The info on the attachment is what I would expect for the indicated virus. Running clamdscan on the remaining file indicates that it has found the virus in it. However, the attachment is empty. So, I am a bit confused. Is clamav identifying the virus based on the mime information or the content of the attachment? It appears that it is using only the mime info. I was going to save some of that but it was just too late last night so I don't have any examples handy. At first I was going to send them in as false viruses, but after looking at them, the only thing they really contained was the empty attachment which probably did at one time include a virus. I decided none of my users would want to receive them even without the virus so leaving them blocked was just fine.

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