From /etc/clamav.conf

# TCP port address.
#TCPSocket 3310

clamd will only run as local socket or inet socket not both at the same time. You probably have clamd running as local so when clamdscan tries to connect to the port it gets a connection refused. You will need to check your config and adjust accordingly.

Harrell, Roger wrote:

I've installed clamav. clamscan works, but the daemonized version
does not. It appears to be a permissions issue:

connect(): Connection refused
ERROR: Can't connect to clamd.

----------- SCAN SUMMARY -----------
Infected files: 0
Time: 0.001 sec (0 m 0 s)

What is is trying to connect to? How can I determine where in the
process it
is failing so I can set up permissions appropriately.

It's running under user gqscanq

ps -aux | grep clamd
root       954  0.0  0.0  1348   48 ?        S    May09   0:00 supervise
gqscanq  27955  0.0  0.0  1628    0 ?        SW   08:17   0:00
root      3592  0.0  0.1  3568  624 pts/0    S    14:08   0:00 grep clamd


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