> > 
> > I'd like to second that.  Those of us depending on clamav to catch
> > stuff can't afford to upgrade in the middle of the day for new
> > signatures to work.
> Why not? If you say "because it's a production system and it needs to be
> tested", then that is a business decision to accept the risk of letting
> in known viruses.
> Most people would prefer that updates to the code to catch more viruses
> are released.
> >   And why don't these new signatures work?  Has that interface not
> > yet stabilized?
> No. Adding more powerful features to the scanning engine requires
> changes to the signature format.
> -trog

 Could I add my two penneth on this one? No disrespect to anyone specific,
but their seems to be a lot of whingeing of late regarding it doesn't do
this or that, or it's not catching this virus. 
 Anyone who is dependent upon virii scanning for their business
security/stability, should never rely wholly upon one method of
detection/prevention. If you want to be 100% safe, it isn't going to
happen, either with a commercial vendor, or otherwise. It's a case of
minimising, not obliterating. Perfection doesn't exist.
 It's about time someone actually said thanks or well done to the
maintainers/writers of Clam, not to keep slating them. Try to achieve this
level of speed and communication with a commercial vendor!
 Personally, I would like to say thanks for a stonkingly good AV scanner.
Keep it up chaps.

All the best


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