Running clamav-0.75 on FreeBSD 5.2.1, compiled from source. Everything runs fine, except when I try "clamd stop/start" or "clamd restart". I get the error:

Wed Jul 28 00:56:48 2004 -> +++ Started at Wed Jul 28 00:56:48 2004
Wed Jul 28 00:56:48 2004 -> clamd daemon 0.75 (OS: freebsd5.2.1, ARCH: i386, CPU: i386)
Wed Jul 28 00:56:48 2004 -> Log file size limited to 10485760 bytes.
Wed Jul 28 00:56:48 2004 -> Reading databases from /usr/local/clamav/share/clamav
Wed Jul 28 00:56:49 2004 -> Protecting against 22932 viruses.
Wed Jul 28 00:56:49 2004 -> ERROR: Socket file /var/run/clamd is in use by another process.

I've seen this error mentioned a couple of places (obviously not a solution mentioned), and I've tried setting the following in clamav.conf:
# Remove stale socket after unclean shutdown.

Also checked the permissions, made sure the pid is set, etc. Nothing seems to work short of manually deleting the socket file. Any ideas?

Best Regards,

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