I am using freebsd, postfix, amavisd-new, spamassassin and clamav (all latest version)in a server pentium iv with 512 RAM.

Top shows that I have only 41M free and I think that 221M inact is very high
Mem: 119M Active, 221M Inact, 93M Wired, 19M Cache, 60M Buf, 41M Free

Is it normal?


can you give a 'uname -a' of that machine?

also, maybe a post from matt dillon (FreeBSD) [1] could be informative on this (depends on the release you use ;).


[1] -- http://mail.nl.linux.org/linux-mm/2000-05/msg00419.html

mit vorzueglichster Hochachtung/best regards,

Timo Schoeler
//macfinity -- finest IT services | Triftstrasse 39 | 13353 Berlin | Germany
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