> Are there any independent tests out there that do not paint such a bleak
> picture? Are there any plans to submit ClamAV or ClamWin to Virus
> Bulletin?

Want stats?  We employ clam, uvscan (McAfee/NAI) and bdc.  Clam is much
faster because of clamd so it is first.  Here is the breakdown in order of
scanning engine since the 1st of October:

Clamav: 2539
bdc: 5 (3 of these were EICAR's of some form)
uvscan: 0

Yes, that reads 99.8% with 0% being left for uvscan.  If this is not an
"independent"  test then I don't know what is.  We have filtered 57,000
viruses in the past two years.  I don't have stats for ClamAV v. McAfee
since 0.67, however, the last month's reporting is very convincing.  If it
did not take so much cpu power and disk i/o I would test the entire
/var/virusmails tree and see what todays McAfee v. ClamAV look like.  My
guess is that ClamAV is ahead based on recent observations and the
information reported above.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] root]# ls /var/virusmails/  | wc -l

McAfee has done a great job and they are the name which started virus
scanning and cleaning.  To most, McAfee means "virusscan."  Times are
changing and the community driven projects are starting to take over in
many aspects of the computing world. Our license for McAfee is coming up
and I am thinking very hard about discontinuing its use.  In addition, we
see ClamAV database updates daily (sometimes more than daily) and McAfee's
stable signatures are always weekly plus infrequent "emergency" releases
and cumbersome extra.dat's.  I would use their daily releases but they are
marked "experimental/untested" and the last thing you want is your virus
scanner core dumping (which has happened with uvscan).

We started using ClamAV at version 0.67 (we had used only uvscan
previously).  At that time, there were roughly 40 viruses in our holding
tank (think ghostbusters) which uvscan caught that clam didn't.  At that
time, all of the viruses that were missed where posted.  By the time I had
done the scan and comparison between uvscan and clam, at least 3 of the
viruses had already been reported by someone else as some were rejected as
already existing -- now that is fast signature update!

I have nothing but good words for the ClamAV team and you as the ClamAV
community.  They have done an incredible job and since this is community
driven, this will only get better.  Kudos to the ClamAV team and everyone
who supports them.  You have our support and testimony and I look forward 
to the future of this project.

Eric Wheeler
Vice President
National Security Concepts, Inc.
PO Box 3567
Tualatin, OR 97062

Voice: (503) 293-7656
Fax:   (503) 885-0770


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