Trog wrote:
On Tue, 2004-10-26 at 14:41, Niek wrote:

On 10/26/2004 3:33 PM +0200, Trog wrote:

So, I was correct, QMR completely screws up the ClamAV installation for
no reason other than ignorance and gross stupidity.

It also tells it's misguided users to run freshclam on-the-hour. Another
bad decision.

So, don't follow anything they say about installing ClamAV, and you'll
be ok.


QMR delivers the community with the open source equivelant of 'next, next, next, next, next, next, finish' installations.

I don't have a problem with the theory, just they way they have f****d
up the practice.

Keep in mind while i agree the instructions are a little messed up for the current versions of the software it uses, the instructions are the way they are to correct problems and certain small errors that occured in older versions of the sofware. Basically the instructions are outdated in my opinion. I dont believe the reason for the clamscan/clamdscan linking is still a valid reason as well as other "workarounds" that were put in place. The instructions should be updated.

With that said, the person, yes, only 1 person, who created qmr is obviously busy and this is not his full time job. I think it is great that he has taken this amount of time out of his everyday life to provide this great service for everyone....cut him some slack will ya? Saying "for no reason other than ignorance and gross stupidity" is quite incorrect and even downright rude. You have NO idea why he set up the instructions this way and you yourself are making huge assumptions. If you have some constructive criticism here im sure it would be appreciated but you previous comments were IMO not helpful at all.


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