I am using clamdscan (clamav 0.80 - RHEL3) on 5 very intensively used mail 
servers and generally, I have no issues and it works wonderfully. But 
however, every now and again, to which there is no random pattern, and across 
all 5 servers, clamdscan processes go through the roof. All logging stops. 
Here is current status of one of the machines as it has happened:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] clamd]# ps -ef | grep clam| more
root 3906 3902 0 Nov01 ? 00:00:00 supervise clamd
root 14674 3906 9 Nov18 ? 1-02:54:35 /usr/sbin/clamd

## then I have lots of 

qmaild 14794 1 0 Nov29 ? 00:00:00 /usr/bin/clamdscan -r --disable-summary 

114 of them to be precise.
If i look at the timestamps of the logs:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] clamd]# pwd

[EMAIL PROTECTED] clamd]# ls -al
total 29180
-rwxr--r-- 1 clamav clamav 571978 Nov 29 17:00 current

[EMAIL PROTECTED] clamd]# date
Tue Nov 30 07:41:35 SAST 2004

You can see that there has been nothing in the logs since 5pm yesterday, I 
would like to be able to supply more information, but I dont seem to have 
any. Is it worth enabling debug mode (bearing in mind that we are scanning 
HUGE volumes of mail) ?
Also if I run clamdscan manually on the command line, it hangs; but clamscan 
works fine.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] clamd]# clamdscan\
<ctrl c>

[EMAIL PROTECTED] clamd]# clamscan
/var/log/clamd/freshclam.log: OK
/var/log/clamd/lock: Empty file.
/var/log/clamd/state: Empty file.
/var/log/clamd/current: OK
/var/log/clamd/clamav.log: OK
----------- SCAN SUMMARY -----------
Known viruses: 27913
Scanned directories: 1
Scanned files: 32
Infected files: 0
Data scanned: 74.89 MB
I/O buffer size: 131072 bytes
Time: 26.343 sec (0 m 26 s)

It would appear that somthing happens to clamd and I would appreciate any 
pointers or advise for further information if required.
Many Thanks
Scott Ryan
Telkom Internet

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