At 08:32 AM 12/15/2004, you wrote:

I do not understand that, since I have ScanMail option DISABLED in

i have a question in this regard, as it's bugged me for a while (ever since my qmail-scanner debug logs indicated that clamd no longer accepts arguments on the command line, but rather only in the clamd.conf):

how do you disable those options that don't take an argument? i've tried putting 'no', 'off', 'disable' as an argument to ScanMail, but no go. The description in the docs suggests that you merely comment out the option. But that doesn't jibe with the default clamd.conf file in the source etc/ directory:

# Enable internal e-mail scanner.
# Default: enabled

so, if the default is enabled, and #ScanMail is commented out in the default file, how do you disable it?

How to disable "default enabled" options was explained on this list a while back. I think it was posted by tomasz but i dont remember what the answer was. Sorry.


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