>Pardon, I didnt mean to imply that clamav doesnt provide the name of
>virus as well.  The point i was trying to make was that clamav itself 
>doesnt know or care about what is actually done after the virus is 
>detected.  That part is left up to something else (qmail-scanner in my 

>> Also, as Jim points out, the real issue these days is why send 
>> notifications at all? Almost all viruses are mass-mailing these days
>> haven't seen a macro virus [that isn't a mass mailer] for several
>> now), so it is WRONG to notify the sender - AS THEY DIDN'T SEND IT

>If i had a nickle for all the stupid "VIRUS DETECTED IN SENT MAIL" 
>notices i receive daily....


Thanks for all the replies.  All I would want clamav to do is put
something like @mm (does not have to be that, but just some unique
identifier for mass mailers.  I could then use Exim or amavisd to drop
it based on the virus name.  I really do not want to have to maintain a
maunally populated list of mass mailing viruses. 

I guess we could look at deleting any email with an infected file, but I
know that would come back and bite me on the @55. It is good to know
that I could probably use Worm* or @mm and drop based on that.

As far as notifications, I would never send someone a notification
saying there was a virus in an email they sent, does not make sense

Again thanks for the feedback.  Looks like I can drop Symantec :)

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