Tinus Nijmeijers said:
> any traffic coming into the internal interface on port 25 where
> src!=mailserver gets redirected to the mailserver.
> Your external interface does come into the picture.

Yes, and in order for my mail server to accept the mail from
visitor must either be authenticating via SMTPAUTH (not gonna happen,
visitor accounts are a pain) or my mail server must be configured to allow
relaying of non-local mail without authentication.  Also, if the visitor's
MUA is configured to use authentication against their ISP's real SMTP
server, the authentication would fail against my SMTP server.

> I'm assuming that your occasional visitors are on your internal net off
> course.

  they are, I suppose I could configure the mail server to allow relaying
for all internal network addresses but that doesn't solve the AUTH
problem and it puts an unneccessary load on my servers.  It also makes
my mail server the target of RBLs and anti-spam measures should a virus
or SPAM zombie slip through.

I downloaded ClamSMTP and installed it no problem, does exactly what I was
hoping for.


Jay Lee
Network / Systems Administrator
Information Technology Dept.
Philadelphia Biblical University

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