Here are the upgrade instructions that I follow(ed)! These do work if
you follow them to the t! *oh ya ... Remember to backup your
Freshclam.conf and clamd.conf =P~

unpack the old distribution:
        tar -zxf clamav-0.80.tar.gz
run configure
        cd clamav-0.80
Unpack the new distribution:
        cd ..
        tar -zxf clamav-0.81.tar.gz
run configure:
        cd clamav-0.81
compile it:
become root
stop qmail
stop qmailscan
uninstall the existing clamav stuff:
        cd ../clamav-0.80
        make uninstall
install the new stuff:
        cd ../clamav-0.81
        make install
restart clamd
run freshclam
start qmailscan
start qmail 

   Jeffrey Kroll :: IT Coordinator :: PBOA & Risk Services
941.955.0793 :: 1800 Second St. Suite 910 :: Sarasota, FL 34236

(  SUN   )   o   o   o<-Earth   o   ( ) -(-)-  o    o    .

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