Jerry Keen wrote:
Thanks, Rene,

I recompiled normally... not in debug mode and seems to be working fine. I have a couple more question though... See below...

06:35:14.68 2 SMTPI-00007( [30014] received, 978 bytes
06:35:14.69 2 QUEUE([30014]) from <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, 978 bytes (<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>)
06:35:14.69 1 ENQUEUERRULES [30014] rule(ClamAV) action #1: filter report: \nWARNING! Your message was infected by VIRUS:\nEicar-Test-Signature\n\nIt was rejected for delivery.\n\nAntiviral program output:
\n==================================================\n\t\tinfected: Eicar-Test-Signature\n=====

1) should I be getting the Action#1 Filter report. That seems like a lot of output.


There's something wrong with this log: there is no "EXTFILTER(ClamAV)" messages. I only get those and none of the "ENQUEUERRULES"; you must have moved the default Message Enqueuer log level (I have it at Problems).

2) Enqueuer -- Server Rules failed.. Filter Rejected message.. What does that mean?

I think it means you configured CG differently. Your configuration was better before.

What I use is:

1. General -> Helpers
   - Use filter cgpav (enabled)
   - Log all info
   - Time-out disabled, Auto-restart disabled.

2. Rules
   - One rule defined, priority 10 (highest in case I put other rules).
   - Message size > 1K; message size < 2M
   - Action: ExternalFilter, Paramater: cgpav

With this setting I only get the EXTFILTER protocol messages, the ones that start with a sequence number followed by a command and parameter, the response from cgpav should be OK or DISCARD (see infected_action below) with an information line (that starts with *) reporting what virus was found, that is if cgpav is working, otherwise it will report ERROR or nothing and CG will retry.

3) Finally, I am recieving both a rejection message from my SMTP server and a rejection message from CGPAV. How can I eliminate one of them?

Change your cgpav.conf file, check the following settings:

infected_action = discard
antivirus_email = ... not used if infected_action is discard, otherwise this one and the options below become effective.
sender_notification = false
recipients_notification = false
postmaster_notification = false
and all the other notifications which by default have "false" or empty values.

Note is appears to be working though. I even get the following entry in the /var/log/mail...

Feb 8 06:35:14 DoodyEmail clamd[4094]: /var/CommuniGate/Queue/30014.msg: Eicar-Test-Signature FOUND

That's from clamd! Why did you set clamd to use the mail log? This message usually goes into the clamd.log, but it's OK if you want it there, I just use it different and disable it when everything is working.

René Berber

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