If you tgz test dir to be test.tar.gz, the clamscan can detect it.
But clamscan cannot detect it in clamav-0.82.tar.gz
I just want to know the reason (e.g. max number of files reached ? max archive level reached ?). Anybody knows the answer ??? 

René Berber <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Joanna Roman wrote:

> I downloaded clamav (0.92) and installed it. When I
> clamscan clamav-0.82.tar.gz, clamscan says the archive
> is OK. However, when I clamscan clamav-0.82/test,
> clamscan says "ClamAV-Test-File" found. So why cant
> clamscan detect "ClamAV-Test-File" "virus" in
> clamav-0.82.tar.gz in the first place ??

It seems to be specific to clamav-0.82.tar.gz.

I did "tar czvf test.tar.gz clamav-0.82/test; clamscan test.tar.gz" and
it does find the ClamAV-Test-File. With the old clamav-0.80.tar.gz it
only finds the Eicar-Test-Signature which is inside clamdwatch.tar.gz .

So, I think this might be intentional, somewhere clamscan has hardcoded
to ignore the test directory inside clamav-*.tar.gz .

René Berber


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