Alberto da Silva wrote:
> On Mon, 28 Feb 2005 10:17:42 -0000, Plant, Dean
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 
>> Nutty I may be :-) but scanning selectively is fine for a few
>> machines but what if you have fifty machines with varying
>> configurations. This approach would mean an extra administrative
>> overhead to guarantee all machines do a correct full scan without
>> scanning files multiple times because they are NFS mounted.
>> Selectively scanning would also allow area's on file systems to be
>> missed if someone creates a new directory that is not included on
>> the scan list.  
>> Having the ability to exclude directories or limit to local file
>> systems, you could run a simple common script with clamscan -r /
>> --exclude-dir's, that would guarantee to scan all your files across
>> all your machines while missing out problem directories.
>> Dean
> This is a user problem.
> Write a script that looks at the config of the server being scanned
> eg:
> df -F ufs to get a list of ufs file sytems
> use find on the df-list to generate an exclude list (pipes, doors,
> etc) execute clamscan df-list -exclude=exclude-list
> Alberto

Ok, fair point. I didn't think of doing it that way (simple really). Ill
give that a go, taking in your and Dennis's suggestions.



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