On Mar 03, 2005, at 07:37, Matt Fretwell wrote:

Allori Lorenzo wrote:

I'm starting from another point of view.. i want to do a script that can
understand how i first installed clamav (meaning what ./configure
options i used) and downloads the last clamav version untars it and
compile and install the last version on the old one (replacing the old
conf files with the new ones).                           

 Most of that can be done with a basic shell script. The problems are:

1) What happens if there is a problem with the compilation?

2) What happens when there are new options that require adding and setting
to the existing conf file? Would they be okay at the defaults?

That is why human intervention is required to some degree. The idea is very basic and straight forward. The implemantation is not.


A solution to this problem would be to force everyone to use the same build parameters, this would not only make maintenence easier, it would help in debugging because all of the parameters and options would be the same.

If the software was configured with a prefix of /usr and a user/group of #30, (the user/group names could be anything even system specific) the build is then controlled, with the exception of custom config options which could be parsed with grep/sed, adding any new features would not become an issue.

Of course this also means that upon a clean installation, dependent libraries would also have to be included or at least version tested before adding which is a simple task and a preinstall function to save the existing install in case of an error as a safety precaution to restore and notify the installer an error occured.

There is a solution for everything, just everything would have to be taken into consideration.

-- Dale


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