Since this problem show up so often isn't it a idea to take care of with a 
software solution instead of telling the user to search the archives?

Ok, you can argue that it is not a fault in the software and the users own 
fault but since it happens so often it might be good support to take care of 
it anyhow to prevent these nasty "didn't i tell you to ....." messages.

Just a suggestion to improve things...

Grz. Johan

Op woensdag 9 maart 2005 16:38, schreef Tomasz Kojm:
> On Wed, 9 Mar 2005 10:26:52 -0500 (EST)
> "Jerry Bell" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > It seems clear to me that I've got the right version, but SOMETHING is
> You've got the right version using old libs. Search the archives.

Kind Regards / Met vriendelijke groet,

Johan Barelds           Good-IT!
Tel.+31(0)70-3965230    Strijplaan 320
Mob.+31(0)6-54253750    2285 HZ  Rijswijk(ZH)

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