Hi list!

I want to run freshclam with daemontools but freshclam just doesn't seem to
know the -f option.
/usr/local/bin/freshclam -h tells me there is an -f option but
``/usr/local/bin/freshclam -d -f -c 12''
will just result in

/usr/local/bin/freshclam: invalid option -- f
ERROR: Unknown option passed.

Hasn't Jeremy Kitchen's freshclam-foreground.patch been applied?
Tomasz Kojm posted that it was
l) and a day later clamav 0.83 was released (which I am using).

The changelog says:
Sun Feb 13 10:55:35 CET 2005 (tk)
  * freshclam: add support for Foreground (requested by Jeremy Kitchen

Do I miss something?



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