* Nigel Horne <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [20050322 17:37]: wrote:
> On Tuesday 22 Mar 2005 14:27, Rob MacGregor wrote:
> > On Tue, 22 Mar 2005 19:33:03 +0530, Nabin Limbu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > Hi,
> > > 
> > > What are the benefits of using 3rd party software like Mailscanner, 
> > > Mimedefang and
> > > many others with clamav? Why do people use when it can be done simply with
> > > clamav-milter and spamassassin.

Because there is no rule telling people what to do.

> > Efficiency - it's quicker to pass the mail to a single milter and let
> > it handle it than to use multiple milters to achieve the same result
> > (depending, of course, on your choice of milters).

What works for you doesn't necessarily work for everyone else.



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