*********** REPLY SEPARATOR  ***********

On 4/15/2005 at 5:49 PM Nigel Horne wrote:

>> *********** REPLY SEPARATOR  ***********
>> On 4/15/2005 at 3:58 PM Nigel Horne wrote:
>> >On Friday 15 Apr 2005 15:56, Carl Thompson wrote:
>> >>
>> >> *********** REPLY SEPARATOR  ***********
>> >>
>> >> On 4/14/2005 at 10:24 PM Nigel Horne wrote:
>> >>
>> >> >> Okay this is what i have for clamav-milter on remote server
>> >> >
>> >> >Remote to sendmail? Or remote to clamd? Or both?
>> >> >
>> >> >> CLAMAV_FLAGS="-qlm5 --external --server=xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx
>> >> >> local:/var/run/clamav/clmilter.sock"
>> >> >>
>> >> >> and I have to run clamd on that server so that clamav uses it
>> >> >> externally to scan for virus (if i understand this correctly)
>> >> >
>> >> >I presume by "that server" you mean the server running clamav-milter
>> >> >
>> >> >>
>> >> >> and on my primary server i did the same thing and clamav creates
>> >> >> local socket and scans thru clamd on remote server.
>> >> >
>> >> >I presume by "primary server" you mean the server running
>> clamd, though
>> >> >I don't understand what you mean by you "did the same thing"?
>> Why would
>> >> >you do the same on both machines? Surely one runs clamd and one
>> >> >runs clamav-milter?
>> >> >
>> >> >> however if i use
>> >> >> INPUT_MAIL_FILTER(`clamav', `S=inet:[EMAIL PROTECTED], F=,
>> >T=S:4m;R:4m')dnl
>> >> >> (machine name chaned to correct machine of course)
>> >> >
>> >> >By "machineb" do you mean the same as "primary server" above? Or the
>> >> >same as "that server"?
>> >> >
>> >> >> I still get socket errors in maillog about attempting to scan and
>> >> >> clamd is on the remote socket not clamav-milter on the
>> remote socket.
>> >> >
>> >> >> I'm sure i'm doing something simple wrong but I sure can't figure
>> >out.
>> >> >
>> >> >Sorry, but I can't figure out what you're trying to do and what
>> >> >tried to set up.
>> >> >
>> >> >The following scenarios are possible:
>> >> >1) sendmail, clamav-milter and clamd all on one machine
>> >> >2) sendmail and clamav-milter on one machine, clamd on another
>> >> >3) sendmail on one machine, clamav-milter and clamd on another
>> >> >4) sendmail, clamav-milter and clamd all on separate machines
>> >> >5) sendmail and clamav-milter on one machine, clamd running
>> on multiple
>> >> >machines load balanced
>> >> >6) sendmail and clamav-milter on separate machines, clamd running on
>> >> >multiple machines load balanced, which may include the same machines.
>> >> >
>> >> >Please be very specific about what you're trying to achieve. I guess
>> >> >it's either scenario 2 or scenario 3?
>> >> I can get scenario 2 to work without a problem and this is how I did
>> >for some time before .82 (when clamd scanning was integrated into
>> >clamav-milter and you no longer needed to run clamd just for
>> clamav-milter)
>> >>
>> >> The problem I have is scenario 3.
>> >>
>> >> machine a has sendmail on it
>> >> machine b is a low use box so I would like to run clamav-milter and
>> >clamd (if its necessary now) on it and have machine a connect to
>> >clamav-milter on machine b. however I am unable to get clamav-milter to
>> >listen on a TCP port on machine b
>> >
>> >Machine a configure looks correct:
>> >    INPUT_MAIL_FILTER(`clamav', `S=inet:[EMAIL PROTECTED], F=,
>> T=S:4m;R:4m')dn
>> >
>> >On machineb try starting clamav-milter thus (based on the options you
>> >gave, and ensure that clamd
>> >is running on machineb first):
>> >    CLAMAV_FLAGS="-qlm5 --external inet:3311"
>> >
>> >> Carl
>> >
>> >-Nigel
>> >
>> As a final update to this little endeavor this is what I did
>> on the mail server i used
>> INPUT_MAIL_FILTER(`clamav', `S=inet:[EMAIL PROTECTED], F=, T=S:4m;R:4m')dn
>> on the scanning server i did the following
>> CLAMAV_FLAGS="-qlm5 inet:3311 --server xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx"
>> I tried it with --external and that worked fine if I had clamd
>> running (as it should be) so I figured i would try it internal
>> and that worked fine.
>> I did however have to specify --server because without it it
>> bound to 3311 of
>Again I need more information here. When you say xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx,
>what IP address did you use? Furthermore what do you have in your
>tcpwrappers files (/etc/hosts.allow and /etc/hosts.deny).
>--server is to do with the link clamav-milter<->clamd, where as the
>inet:3311 is to do with the link sendmail<->clamav-milter, so adding
>--server should have no effect on the incoming as you've stated. I
>need more information to see what's going on with the bind you mention.
>> Carl

okay this is what I have

server A (sendmail server)
clmilter, S=inet:[EMAIL PROTECTED],F=, T=S:4m;R:4m

server B (clamav-milter server)
CLAMAV_FLAGS="inet:3311 -qlm5"

server B (sendmail config no real email accounts but the system usual)
clmilter, S=inet:[EMAIL PROTECTED],F=, T=S:4m;R:4m

The results are that server b sendmail works fine thru the inet connection to 
server b clamav-milter and scans perfectly fine but server a sendmail doesn't 
connect or attempt to connect (no errors or anything in logs) to clamav-milter 
on server b

I can telnet from server a to server b port 3311 and connect without a problem, 
it is not blocked by iptables or hosts.deny

the domain looks up fine and has same results if i replace its name with an ip 

netstat report from server b on clamav
[EMAIL PROTECTED] root]# netstat -plan|grep clam
tcp        0      0  *               LISTEN      
unix  2      [ ]         DGRAM                    20428504 9060/clamav-milter



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