Dear all,

Addendum : I forgot to mention the version : ClamAV 0.83/856/Wed Apr 27 
09:00:37 2005
Sorry for this second post.


We are running a webmail service using ClamAV and get roughtly 30.000 valid 
We run home-build SMTP servers calling clamd, emulating the client.

The problem :

After running +- 10 minutes, clamd.log reports a first message saying : 'ERROR: 
ScanStream: accept timeout' quickly followed other ones.  After 1 or 2 minutes, 
we get another message : 'ERROR: accept() failed: Too many open files' and, I 
guess, clamd does not respond any more. 
Need to restart the daemon to restore the service.

I tried the following tunning :

1. Increase the number of threads from 10 to 30 for reducing the queue: no 
changes, still errors.
2. Increase the number of MaxConnectionQueueLength to 30: no changes, still 

Other info :

Clamd runs as non-root user.
Launch script is : /etc/init.d/clamav_daemon start (not modified from orginal).
ClamAV is currently running and a Debian Woody with 1.5 GB mem on a 2*1Ghz 
Intel chassis.
SpamAssassin is also running on this box. Version 3.0.2 standard (Razor, DCC, 

Mitigating factors (;-)

Running the same config on a more powerfull box does not generate the prob 
(2*3GH + multithreading)

clamd.conf :

#Automatically Generated by clamav-base postinst
#To reconfigure clamd run #dpkg-reconfigure clamav-base
#LocalSocket /var/run/clamav/clamd.ctl
User clamav
ArchiveMaxRecursion 10
ArchiveMaxFiles 1500
ArchiveMaxFileSize 30M
ArchiveMaxCompressionRatio 300
ReadTimeout 300

#Modified by AH 27/04/2005. Was : 10
MaxThreads 30

MaxConnectionQueueLength 15
LogFile /var/log/clamav/clamav.log
LogFileMaxSize 0
PidFile /var/run/clamav/
DatabaseDirectory /var/lib/clamav
SelfCheck 3600
TCPSocket 3310

#added by AH 27/04/2005
StreamMaxLength 20M

Example of an error report :

cruella:/var/log# tail -f /var/log/clamav/clamav.log
Wed Apr 27 13:38:17 2005 -> Archive support enabled.
Wed Apr 27 13:38:17 2005 -> Archive: RAR support disabled.
Wed Apr 27 13:38:17 2005 -> Archive: Blocking encrypted archives.
Wed Apr 27 13:38:17 2005 -> Archive: Blocking archives that exceed limits.
Wed Apr 27 13:38:17 2005 -> Portable Executable support enabled.
Wed Apr 27 13:38:17 2005 -> Detection of broken executables enabled.
Wed Apr 27 13:38:17 2005 -> Mail files support enabled.
Wed Apr 27 13:38:17 2005 -> OLE2 support enabled.
Wed Apr 27 13:38:17 2005 -> HTML support enabled.
Wed Apr 27 13:38:17 2005 -> Self checking every 3600 seconds.
Wed Apr 27 13:41:21 2005 -> stream: Exploit.HTML.IFrame FOUND
Wed Apr 27 13:42:42 2005 -> stream: Worm.Bagle.Gen-zippwd FOUND
Wed Apr 27 13:45:09 2005 -> stream: Worm.SomeFool.P FOUND
Wed Apr 27 13:45:29 2005 -> stream: Worm.SomeFool.Q FOUND
Wed Apr 27 13:45:35 2005 -> stream: Worm.Mytob.A FOUND
Wed Apr 27 13:46:00 2005 -> stream: Exploit.HTML.IFrame FOUND
Wed Apr 27 13:47:11 2005 -> stream: Worm.SomeFool.P FOUND
Wed Apr 27 13:48:06 2005 -> ERROR: ScanStream: accept timeout.
Wed Apr 27 13:48:08 2005 -> ERROR: ScanStream: accept timeout.
Wed Apr 27 13:48:08 2005 -> ERROR: ScanStream: accept timeout.

Wed Apr 27 13:56:06 2005 -> ERROR: accept() failed: Too many open files
Wed Apr 27 13:56:08 2005 -> ERROR: accept() failed: Too many open files

Has anyone faced the same issue before ?
Is there a known way to fix this problem ?
Any advice ?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Arnaud Huret


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