Really, the clamd.log had some permission issues, but I had not noticed that
because clamd was logging into the file successfully:
    Fri Apr 29 14:50:12 2005 -> +++ Started at Fri Apr 29 14:50:12 2005

Also, in version .80 the log was done by the stream function
(StreamSaveToDisk option), that was discontinued:
    Mon Apr 18 07:39:47 2005 -> stream: Worm.Mabutu.A FOUND

So, it seems that because of that the log was done, even with this
misconfiguration of the log file. In the new version, this permission issue
prevented the log to work properly.

So, I consider this thread closed. Thanks to everyone! SORRY FOR SUSPECTING

Best regards,
Jose Hime

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Friday, April 29, 2005 2:45 PM
Subject: Re: [Clamav-users] Clamav log file not logging viruses

 What are the permissions on the file you are trying to log to?



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