On Monday 02 May 2005 18:30, jef moskot wrote:
> If I do the #24 testvirus test ( http://www.webmail.us/testvirus ), the
> mail is delivered properly (which is fine, because there's no virus in
> there), but I also get a little file in /var/tmp/clamav-partial named
> something like partialmsg####### that doesn't go away.
> Inside the file is the data portion of the mail (I can provide a copy to
> anyone interested).
> Is this a minor Clam bug, or is something misconfigured on my side?

> The file and directory appear to be root:wheel.
> I've noticed that a similar thing happens (rarely) when large mail files
> are scanned.  Sometimes all the compnent parts are left undeleted.  Every
> few months, I can go in there and remove a couple directories and
> everything seems fine.
> I'm running 0.84, using amavis to pass the mail along to clamscan (not
> using clamd), using sendmail on FreeBSD 4.X.

If you don't want to scan RFC1341 messages, disable PARTIAL_DIR in
mbox.c and recompile.

You can (usually) safely delete files in that directory more than about 24
hours in age.

> Jeffrey Moskot


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