On Thu, 2005-05-05 at 17:31 -0500, Daniel J McDonald wrote:
> On Thu, 2005-05-05 at 23:17 +0100, Andy Loates wrote:
> > Hi There,
> > 
> > This is probably an idiots question but i've only just got my new MTA
> > working 2 days before 0.84 was released an I dont want to mess up days
> > of hard work by doing anything wrong.
> > 
> > Basically to upgrade from .83 to .84 i should do the following:
> [...]
> > 
> > Is this OK 
> usually that will work, although you probably need to restart freshclam
> as well, assuming you ran daemonized.  If you want to be absolutely
> certain, perform these extra tasks (marked by *)
>      1. Download new tarball.
>      2. Backup existing /etc/clamd.conf & freshclam.conf files
>      3. untar clamav-0.84
>      4. run ./configure with options
>      5. make
>      6. * stop MTA
>      7. stop existing clamd
>      8. * stop existing freshclam
>      9. * cd to clamav-0.83 directory
>     10. * su -c make uninstall
>     11. * cd to clamav-0.84 directory
>     12. su -c make install
>     13. reload old config files overwriting newly installed ones OR edit
>         new
>     14. config files with options to suit my set up.
>     15. restart clamd.
>     16. * restart freshclam
>     17. * restart MTA

Thanks for the advice. All up and running.

Shouldn't something like this be in the ClamAV docs?



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