On May 17, 2005, at 7:06 PM, Damian Menscher wrote:

On Tue, 17 May 2005, Dennis Peterson wrote:
Damian Menscher said:

Since you are speaking for all of us what do we think of your 5 line sig?
I bet some of us think it sux.

As do I. But I think you'll agree it is about as dense as possible given the amount of information (I work two jobs, and my employers require me to include that fifth line when posting to public lists). But that's off-topic for this list also.

You don't have a personal email address to use in the lists?

And what about the other four lines each and every time?

I found the DNS discussion interesting and it helps to understand what
other mail admins are thinking about the processes around clamav and

It's mildly interesting, but has nothing to do with ClamAV.

Then give it some time and the thread will die, as all the other threads do eventually. Everyone gets tired of this stuff eventually. But it's also important to acknowledge that this is a ClamAV user community, and obviously there are some members of the community that have found a topic that strike a nerve...let'm play it out or it'll just keep coming up again.

And did you not find the clamd log permissions debugging segment in
another thread educational? I did.

I found Stephen Gran's comment interesting, in that he beat me to finding the bug (I'd wasted time looking in clamav-milter.c first). The rest of the posts, including your arrogant ramblings, were worthless.

I'm sure people looking through archives and seeing how members of the community regard others' input as worthless and arrogant will certainly reflect nicely on the community...

Does it occur to anyone that maybe within this ClamAV community some people have found others that they think may have respectable opinions worth listening to, that they may not find in the other groups? That maybe these people here are a good resource from which to learn? Just because I have a friend that is big on Fieros doesn't mean he doesn't have other interests or experiences that I respect hearing about, even if it's while he's working on the Fiero at the time...

It was an informative day with no major new clamav issues - that's a good

Well, the LogFile thing is "major" in the sense that it confused a lot of newbies. But the rest of the discussion here today has been a complete waste. You people really need to spend more time reading what others have done, rather than spending all day screaming your heads off about your own little viewpoints.

When a thread seems to just take up space to me, I just use the thread view so all the messages to a particular thread are in one group, then highlight it and hit delete.

Unlike spam, no one is trying to munge, mangle, or hide the origin of these messages. They're fairly easy to actually hit delete and have go away. And also unlike spam, when I ignore a thread, it goes away after a relatively short time and it's also easy to redirect to a clamav folder for organization...

But that's just my arrogant, worthless opinion.


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