>> On my system, only #24 and #25 make it through ... both of                   
>> which don't have a test virus in them :)                                     
>> --                                                                           
>> Ken Jones                                                                    
>What is stopping #5 & #17 in your configuration ? Is it clamd or
>somethingelse ? My config  : messagewall, clamdmail, clamd, spamd and
>numbers 5,17, 24 and 25 are getting trough :-(

I use mimedefang with clamd, and got 5, 8, 19, 22, and 23 all the way 

25 got through, partially... MIMEDefang stripped off the attachment, but 
the message came through.

any hints on how to firm that up a bit?

Frank Barton
Starwolf.biz Systems Administrator
www.starwolf.biz/~pauling (My Key is linked there.)

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