Cocoon wrote:

> I want to compile the new clamav version 0.85.1 on a solaris 8 system
> Whit the command ./configure -prefix=/var/amavis/clamd every thing works
> fine.

Its --prefix .

> Then I make the make an got this error at the end!
> Any ideas?
> gcc and dev tools ar up to date...

Which gcc and most important which ld?

On Solaris it is recommended to use gcc with Sun's ld, that is the way that gcc
is packaged from .  In fact, one version of GNU binutils botched
the system so bad that I won't install or remove binutils from one system.

> i dont know what can i do more set the path and ld_library_path and fire up
> the configure command and make make!
> ld: fatal: Symbol referencing errors. No output written to
> .libs/
> *** Error code 1

You cut the important part before this, what symbols is ld complaining about?

Do you use crle?  Try running "crle -v" to see your default library path.
René Berber


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