Installing clamav-0.85.1 (custom rpms) onto a CentOS 4.0 box.  I'm
modeling the configs after our production systems which are Gentoo boxen
and running fine.

When I try to start the milter, I get an error:
  [EMAIL PROTECTED] mail]# clamav-milter --max-children=100 --quiet --force-scan
  --external --pidfile=/var/run/clamav/
  --config-file=/etc/clamd.conf local:/var/run/clamav/clamav-milter.sock

  clamav-milter: (-q && !LogSyslog): warning - all interception message
  methods are off
  /var/log/clamav/clamav.log: Permission denied

Well, duh.  The clamd daemon has that file open, so clamav-milter can't
open it.  Can someone tell me how to tell the milter not to try to open
that file?  

On my Gentoo boxen, it spits out the warning and then successfully
starts up:

  /usr/sbin/clamav-milter: (-q && !LogSyslog): warning - all interception
  message methods are off

I expected the same on the CentOS boxen.

The relevant settings in my clamd.conf are:
  LogFile /var/log/clamav/clamav.log
  LogFileMaxSize 0
  #LogFacility LOG_MAIL

Can anybody see anything obvious?  It works on my Gentoo box and doesn't
on my CentOS boxen.
Regards...              Todd
There are four boxes to be used in defense of liberty:
soap, ballot, jury, and ammo.  Please use in that order. --Ed Howdershelt
Linux kernel 2.6.11-6mdksmp   load average: 0.10, 0.05, 0.01

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