On 27/05/05, Pablo Alsina <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> So what we did was to increment the number of childers to an even
> bigger value. But then we started to hit with other problems:
> clamav-milter[1932]: ClamAv: thread_create() failed: 12, try again
> We did an strace to that process, only to find out that we are running
> out of memory:

I had a similar problem using MIMEdefang rather than clamav-milter.
See what default stack size is (ulimit -s). Reducing this in your
sendmail init script, e.g. "ulimit -s 2048" can help. Worked for me.

See earlier thread on this one:

And then you might be able to inconvenience 10 spammers instead of 1
before they DoS your mail service. But have fun! :)

des -- http://frommars.org/

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