On Jun 7, 2005, at 9:00 AM, Matt Fretwell wrote:

Bart Silverstrim wrote:

If he already did and hadn't gotten feedback, maybe there could be some
people who would coordinate some form of feedback system on whether a
sample is in the works or in the queue or something like that or an
automated sig-maker system could be worked on as a project. If the
things he is asking be included in the malware detection code isn't
going to do it because the developers have vetoed it, then tell him.

 Give people blood, and they will still find some reason to complain.

Welcome to the world of the sysadmin. Or developer. Or anything else that involves users. Or people.

We just have to adapt our philosophy in life so we don't get ulcers or have a stroke.

Don't just insult the guy.  Geez.  :-(

Courtesy first, I do have to agree with you on that. Pandering, however,
is a very different thing.

Bottom line: this could have been handled better. They guy could have ended up helping out in the future or contributing to the betterment of the project. Certainly he was (is?) using ClamAV, helping with the number of deployments out there and is another potential tester or bug reporter, shown by the fact that he was trying to give feedback to the group when he was told to screw off.

Not advocating pandering. Just showing respect to other people and giving them an opportunity to show themselves to be jackasses before being treated as one. This guy didn't get that chance and I think that some people probably do owe him a bit of an apology for the incendiary responses they sent to him for making a mistake. Because so many people (including, most likely, the OP at this point) is in full defensive-asbestos-underwear-flamefest mode, the apologies probably aren't going to come for awhile, if ever...despite the fact that it would make the people apologizing look like the more honorable out of this mini-debacle. But oh well. Cest la vie, que sera sera, and the status quo of the list continues onwards. God, I LOVE THE INTERNET!!


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