On Tue, 14 Jun 2005, Emanuel Nacht wrote:

During boot-up, clamav spawns a process 'ls', which takes up 99% CPU
and gradually eats up ram until the box freezes. The "funny" part is,
when I disable clamav from startup during boot, and start it manually
afterwards, all is going fine. I can see the CPU load through the
Servermonitoring tool we're using, which manages to get a few lines of
"top" before the server freezes.

Certainly sounds interesting!

How do you know that clamav spawned the 'ls' process?

Any way to find out exactly what arguments 'ls' was called with? (Like, a 'ps aux' or looking in /proc to see its cwd or somesuch.)

Given that it works after bootup, perhaps you need to move it later in your boot sequence?

My guess, assuming this is really related to clamav, is that it's trying to find its database directory which is NFS mounted from another machine, before the NFS mount has had time to take place. But now I'm guessing about your network setup.... We'd probably need more details about that (and where this lies in your boot sequence) to debug further.

Good luck!

Damian Menscher [loves interesting problems]
-=#| Physics Grad Student & SysAdmin @ U Illinois Urbana-Champaign |#=-
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