On Aug 06, 2005, at 05:15 AM, Terry Allen wrote:

Hi all,

I am trying to get clamav working on a Mac OS X server 10.4 with CommunigatePro 4.18.

I have downloaded the binary, created my user and group, ran compile, make and make install, but I'm still having no luck.

The make install gives a couple of errors at the end and I don't ever get anything in my /usr/local/bin/

Is there a good guide for me to follow to find out what I'm doing wrong? Or can any of you help me off the top of your head?


David Green
Systems Analyst
Magna-Tel, Inc.

Hi again,
Correct me if I'm wrong, but doesn't OSX server have ClamAV already installed for use under the onboard Postfix? If I am right, probably the Mac OSX admin list might be the best for advice on this if you don't get any replies. hope this helps.

    Bye for now, Terry Allen

Terry, you're too funny L.O.L.....

Yes, you can modify CommuniGatePro to work with the installed ClamAV however, you method isn't going to work.

First you need to get CGP installed and running, then skip the ClamAV build and configure CGP to work with the installed ClamAV.

This requires knowledge of paths which isn't too difficult if you start poking around in /etc and /var you should find all you're looking for.

-- Dale


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